Dogecoin-en sortzailekideek itxaropen handiak ditu Elon Musk milioidunaren AI-ren negozio berrirako, "Benetan interesgarria" dela deritzo.

The Daily Hodl-ek - duela 9 hilabete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 2 minutu

Dogecoin-en sortzailekideek itxaropen handiak ditu Elon Musk milioidunaren AI-ren negozio berrirako, "Benetan interesgarria" dela deritzo.

The co-founder of the popular memecoin Dogecoin (DUKE) has enthusiasm for billionaire Elon Musk’s new artificial intelligence (AI) project.

Earlier this week, Musk abian jarri his artificial intelligence startup project, xAI, as a means of competing with chatbot ChatGPT, a prominent AI tool.

According to Musk, who co-founded OpenAI in 2015, the firm that created ChatGPT, the helburua of xAI is to “understand reality.”

Responding to Musk, DOGE co-founder Billy Markus, also known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto on Twitter, esan zuen that the xAI project seems promising.

“This is gonna be really interesting, especially with it being trained on Twitter. I hope I can put it on ‘internet keyboard warrior’ mode and have pointless arguments with it.”

According to a Reuters report, Musk further elaborated his vision of the project in a Twitter Spaces event on Wednesday morning, saying that instead of overtly programming morality into the artificial intelligence, he plans to make it “maximally curious” as a means of keeping it safe.

“If it tried to understand the true nature of the universe, that’s actually the best thing that I can come up with from an AI safety standpoint. I think it is going to be pro-humanity from the standpoint that humanity is just much more interesting than not-humanity.”

Previously, Musk had warned that AI could one day cause “civilizational destruction,” according to the report.

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Sortutako irudia: Midjourney

Mezua Dogecoin-en sortzailekideek itxaropen handiak ditu Elon Musk milioidunaren AI-ren negozio berrirako, "Benetan interesgarria" dela deritzo. agertu zen lehen Eguneroko Hodl.

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