Hemen daude Bitcoin Eta Ethereum-en akatsak, Pentagonoaren Ikerketa honen arabera

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Hemen daude Bitcoin Eta Ethereum-en akatsak, Pentagonoaren Ikerketa honen arabera

Trail of Bits segurtasun enpresak a argitaratu du bidali gertakar on potential vulnerabilities that can allegedly affect the Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. Called “Are Blockchains Decentralized?”, the report was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense via its Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

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The report is focused on Bitcoin and Ethereum but approaches other blockchain-based platforms using Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus protocols in general.

Ikerketak ondorioztatu du sare horien osagai kriptografikoak "sendoak" direla eta blokeo katearen ezarpenean eta adostasun protokoloetan ahultasunak daudela dio. Beste era batera esanda, segurtasun-enpresak uste du blockchain ustiatu daitekeela, baina horiek onartzen dituen kriptografia sendoa dela.

Trail of Bits arrived at the following conclusions during their investigation: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchains have a “privileged set of entities” with the power to change their transactions, unencrypted traffic, nodes running old “vulnerable” software, and others.

Oro har, txostenak dio blockchain sareak ez daudela deszentralizatuta, eta eraso-bektore potentzial batzuen aurrean eta kanpoko eragileen etenen aurrean zaurgarriak direla. Hain zuzen ere, gaur egungo blockchain sareek "Sybil kostua" falta dutela adierazi dute, hau da, "erraz" eraso daitezkeela:

For a blockchain to be optimally distributed, there must be a so-called Sybil cost. There is currently no known way to implement Sybil costs in a permissionless blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum without employing a centralized trusted third party (TTP)Until a mechanism for enforcing Sybil costs without a TTP is discovered, it will be almost impossible for permissionless blockchains to achieve satisfactory decentralization.

Esan beharrik ez dago kripto-komunitateak aurkikuntza horien ondorioak baztertu dituela. BTC eta ETH merkatuko kapitalaren bi kripto-moneta handiagoak sistema deszentralizatuak, fidagarriak, gardenak eta irekiak sortzeko ideian sortu ziren. Txostenen erronkak, funtsean, zentzu horretan huts egin dutela diote.

Dira Bitcoin And Ethereum Truly Decentralized?

Txostena oso eztabaidagarria da bere aurkikuntzengatik, ondorioen zehaztasunagatik eta AEBetako Pentagonoaren finantzaketa jaso zuelako, herrialde honetako gobernuko funtzionarioek adierazpen etsaiak egin dituzte kriptografia-industriaren eta kripto-monetaekiko.

The CTO and Co-founder at Swan Bitcoin Yan Pritzker and its Editor-in-Chief Tomer Strolight egitateak egiaztatuta the investigation and arrived at discrepancies. Their arguments were in support of Bitcoin that “most blockchains are centralized to varying degrees (…)”.

The report from Pritzker and Strolight studies Trail of Bits claims one by one. First, they said Bitcoin lacks a “privileged set of entities” capable of changing its code, as it’s the user running the nodes that decide which software code they run. They add:

Even if we focus on the most popular Bitcoin bezeroa, bitcoin-core, the claim that four people control the source code is also FALSE (…). Many other blockchains employ a forced-upgrade mechanism such as Ethereum’s difficulty bombs. In those cases, we find the claim to be largely TRUE (…).

Horrez gain, Pritzker eta Strolight-ek meatze-igerilekuen eta meatzarien arteko aldea nabarmendu zuten lehenak ezin duela sarea eten, DARPAk finantzatutako txostenak dioen bezala. BTC-ren Sybil erasoaren kostuari dagokionez, txostenak honako hau aldarrikatzen du kripto-moneta nola sortu zen bere sarean eraso-bektore hori saihesteko helburuarekin:

The invention of Nakamoto Consensus (i.e. Bitcoin’s reliance on proof of work for source of truth) was literally designed to prevent Sybil attacks. Satoshi wanted any participant to be able to add a block, but choosing one user at random would be open to individuals pretending to be many users. But work cannot be faked (…).

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