‘Hundreds Of Billions, If Not Trillions’ Set To Flow Into Bitcoin As US Inflation Hits 7% For First Time In Nearly 40 Years

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‘Hundreds Of Billions, If Not Trillions’ Set To Flow Into Bitcoin As US Inflation Hits 7% For First Time In Nearly 40 Years

U.S inflation rate just hit 7% — the highest in 40 years. The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report spurred a >3% and 4.5% rebound in price value for Bitcoin and Ethereum, moving their unit value above to $43,000 and $3,300. 

Iraganeko joerek 11 bilioi dolar urrezko merkatua dolarraren debaluazioaren aurkako estaldura sendo baterako aukerarik onena dela iradokitzen duten arren, kriptografia-merkatuak egungo inflazioari emandako erantzunak agerian uzten du askoren borondatea oraingoan kriptografiako monetaetara jotzeko.

This is especially true for many middle-to-high income citizens looking to protect their cash balances and near-liquid investments against value erosion. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the likes with over 160% value growth in 2021, now stand a better chance as a suitable alternative against fiat value loss for the average American investor.

Kontsumo Prezioen Indizearen azken grafikoak energia (% 33.3) dela erakusten du inflazioaren kausa handiena, eta ondoren etxebizitzak (% 4.1), elikagaien prezioak (>% 6), ibilgailuak eta osasun-zerbitzuak (>% 2). AEBek gasolina eskasia gero eta handiagoa izan dute Bidenek tokiko esplorazioa itxi zuenetik inportazioaren alde.

Fed-ek Kontrol neurri zorrotzak proposatzen ditu

The US Federal Reserve System disclosed in November that it expected a further increase and has already earmarked steps to put such a surge in check. Key among these steps is the hiking of interest rates to cut back on increased borrowing during the period.

Erakunde erregulatzaileak ere aipatu zuen gobernuak dituen bonuen zati handi bat bota dezakeela > 8 bilioi dolar, publikoaren gehiegizko funtsak garbitzeko. 

Fed-ek, ordea, behin eta berriz mantendu du kriptografiako moneta arriskutsuak diren aktibo direla. Herritarrek kriptografia-aktiboetara noraezean duten ahalmenarekin, balantzearen erreserbak askatzea erabaki dezake, Altxorraren etekinak handiagoak bultzatuz eta inbertitzaileak kriptografiatik urrunduz.

Crypto Hedging: hazten ari den joera

According to Glassnode, the latest increase brings temporary relief for Bitcoin, which has seen a drought of retail investors since last month. The current downtrend had left many recent investors anchored around the $52,000 resistance, below the water on their investment capital.

With the predicted rise in inflation rates, many like MicroStrategy’s Michael Saylor who maintains that BTC Will Be a $100 Trillion Market Cap Asset have argued that Bitcoin is matured to serve as a hedge against the dollar, at par with gold.

Jarrera hori, aurkarien ustez, oraindik goizegi da bere arrisku eta hegazkortasun handiagatik, eta horrek aspaldiko milioidunek aktibo espekulatibo soil gisa ezabatzea eragin du.

Jatorrizko iturria: ZyCrypto