'Ziurtasun bat da' - Ripple Brad Garlinghouse zuzendari nagusiak dio beste kripto-aktibo batzuek Spot ETFak lortuko dituztela Bitcoin

The Daily Hodl-ek - duela 3 hilabete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 2 minutu

'Ziurtasun bat da' - Ripple Brad Garlinghouse zuzendari nagusiak dio beste kripto-aktibo batzuek Spot ETFak lortuko dituztela Bitcoin

The chief executive officer (CEO) of Ripple Labs is certain that other cryptos will follow in Bitcoin's (BTC) footsteps on their way to spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

In a new interview with CNBC, Ripple Brad Garlinghouse zuzendari nagusia dio the possibility of an Ethereum (ETH) ETF and others is a “certainty.”

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Hala ere, kontuan hartuta Ripple Labs CEO, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved a BTC ETF only because a court forced its hand. Garlinghouse hopes other cryptos don’t have to jump through the same regulatory hoops.

“The sad part of that reality is we have a Bitcoin ETF only because a US court said to the SEC, ‘You’re being arbitrary and capricious in your application of the law.’ What would be sad is if every ETF had to go through that same journey, and for Gary Gensler to get smacked down by the US court system again, that might be necessary. But at some point, I think Gary Gensler won’t be the chair of the SEC, and that’ll be a good thing for the American people.”

Garglinghouse’s Ripple has had its fair share of run-ins with the regulatory agency. Last year, a US judge zehazten that retail sales of XRP tokens do not constitute a security offering, handing Ripple Labs a major victory over the SEC in court.


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Irudi aipagarria: Shutterstock/Zaleman/Sensvector

Mezua 'Ziurtasun bat da' - Ripple Brad Garlinghouse zuzendari nagusiak dio beste kripto-aktibo batzuek Spot ETFak lortuko dituztela Bitcoin agertu zen lehen Eguneroko Hodl.

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