NFT Market Looksrare Surpasses Opensea’s 24-Hour Sales With $385 Million in Volume

By - duela 2 urte - Irakurtzeko denbora: 2 minutu

NFT Market Looksrare Surpasses Opensea’s 24-Hour Sales With $385 Million in Volume

Looksrare izeneko token ez-fungigarriak (NFT) merkatu berriak Opensea gainditu du asteazkenean eguneroko bolumenari dagokionez. Estatistikek erakusten dutenez, 3,264 Looksrare merkatariek 385.39 milioi dolar exekutatu dituzte azken egunean, merkatuak eguneko bolumena % 1,461 handitu duelako.

Looksrare NFT merkatuak 1. postua hartzen du eguneroko NFT bolumenari dagokionez

There’s a new Ethereum-based NFT marketplace called Itxura arraroa and during the last day, it has surpassed Itsaso irekia in 24-hour volume. Of course, Opensea is the largest NFT marketplace in terms of all-time volume with $14.68 billion in total sales. The NFT marketplace Looksrare is new and hasn’t processed billions of dollars in sales.

24-hour statistics show, however, Looksrare’s daily volume and hourly volume has surpassed Opensea’s sales on January 12, 2022. Looksrare has seen $385.39 million in sales among 3,241 traders, which is lower than Opensea’s 59,500 traders on Wednesday. Opensea’s 24-hour volume was $109.78 million in sales as of Wednesday morning at 7:00 a.m. (EST).

Merkatua berria den arren, izena izan da sare sozialetan burrunba merkatuak Opensea-ren eguneroko merkataritza-bolumena gainditu ondoren. «Konplazentziaren tragedia. Mex-ek bere garai gorenean bezala, Opensea ziurrenik bere inertziari men egin zion, ezarritako nagusitasunean eroso", Twitter kontuak izendatzen zuen.Hsaka" Tweeted.

People also have created charts on Dune Analytics highlighting the volumes between both NFT platforms. For instance, one user created a “Looksrare VS Opensea” set of charts that analyzes daily and hourly volume between both NFT markets. Other Dune Analytics users have sortu visual graphs in order to analyze Looksrare’s sales.

One reason Looksrare is seeing a surge in popularity is because the project is airdropping LOOK tokens to anyone who has spent up to three ether on Opensea. While there are a couple of airdropped tokens unofficially associated with Opensea users, the leading NFT marketplace does not have an official native token.’s NFT marketplace data indicates that the average sale on Looksrare at the time of writing is $108K per unit. Meanwhile, other top NFT markets today include Solana’s Magic Eden with $9.48 million in sales, and Mobox, with $1.29 million in sales. While Looksrare’s volume saw the biggest 24-hour percentage gains, Mobox saw an 87.08% increase.

Zer iruditzen zaizu NFT marketplace Looksrare-ri buruz? Esan iezaguzu zer pentsatzen duzun gai honi buruz beheko iruzkinen atalean.

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