Registration For The Upcoming VERSE Token By Bitcoin․com Is Now Open

By - duela urtebete - Irakurtzeko denbora: 1 minutu

Registration For The Upcoming VERSE Token By Bitcoin․com Is Now Open

Izen-ematea irekita dago orain VERSE token salmentarako, 2022ko ekainean hasiko dena. Izena ematen duten interesdunek token salmentan parte har dezakete abiarazi eta berehala.

Miami, Florida – May 23rd, 2022 – VERSE is the rewards and utility token distributed to holders who participate in the ecosystem. is a global leader in introducing newcomers to cryptocurrency and is the go-to platform for educational resources, news, and more.’s ecosystem includes 30 million wallets and more than five million monthly active users across various products and services.

VERSE tokenak erosteko, saltzeko, gastatzeko, trukatzeko eta kriptografia-monetaz informatuta egoten diren erabiltzaileak sarituko ditu. Sariak Verse DEX-ekin elkarreraginean esleituko dira, VERSE-n partekatuz, VERSE-n ordaindutako diru-itzulketa eta VERSE berme gisa erabiliz hainbat mailegu-taldetan. Gainera, tokenen jabeek produktu eta zerbitzu esklusiboetarako sarbidea izango dute.

VERSE is a cross-chain token using the ERC-20 token standard on the Ethereum blockchain. The Verse team will actively explore opportunities to expand the token into low-fee Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible networks to provide an optimal user experience.

VERSE hornidura 210 milioi tokenetan finkatzen da, zazpi urtetan banatuta blokez bloke ikuspegi baten bidez. Banaketa gehiago honako hau da:

% 10 saldu zen A salmentan (2022ko maiatzean amaitu zen)

% 6 saltzen ari da B salmentan (2022ko ekainean iritsiko da)

%15 taldeari esleitu zaio

% 35a ekosistemen pizgarrietarako jarri da

% 34 Verse eta bere ekosistemaren etorkizuneko garapena finantzatzeko erabiliko da

The first token sale raised $33.6 million last month from notable market participants such as, KuCoin, and Digital Strategies along with thought leaders like Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, and David Wachsman.

“We were honored to see such outspoken support during our first token sale round. Furthermore, we could not be more excited about bringing our second token sale to the public and providing more people with access to VERSE. This new utility token marks a crucial milestone for the ecosystem. It will enable us to enhance the mainstream appeal of cryptocurrency and blockchain through our buy/sell services, news coverage, and educational tools” said Dennis Jarvis, CEO Bitcoin. Com.

Datorren VERSE token salmentan parte hartzeko, interesatuek izena eman behar dute Bertso webgunea. Beraiek izango dira VERSE token salmenta zuzenean noiz dagoen jakiten lehenak.

Izena eman dutenek Ethereum zorroa behar dute, adibidez Wallet – to receive the VERSE tokens. Payment for the token sale is possible with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, USDT, eta USDC.

Verse komunitateak hogeita bost mila parte-hartzaile baino gehiago zenbatzen ditu Telegram eta Discord-en. VERSE tokenak uztailean Verse salmenta publikoa amaitu ondoren aterako dira.

VERSE token salmenta ez dago eskuragarri AEBetako erosleentzat.


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