Zurrumurruek handia diote Bitcoin Wallet Whale-en gordelekua edo Microstrategy-ren zorroa da, datu gatazkatsuak izan arren

By Bitcoin.com - duela 2 urte - Irakurtzeko denbora: 3 minutu

Zurrumurruek handia diote Bitcoin Wallet Whale-en gordelekua edo Microstrategy-ren zorroa da, datu gatazkatsuak izan arren

Five months ago, Bitcoin.com News published a story concerning the speculation surrounding the third-largest bitcoin wallet, as many observers believe the address is a mega whale. The report noted at the time that the address “1P5ZED” shows all the tell-tale signs that it’s an exchange platform, but to this very day speculators still assume and still publish odd conjecture on why they think “1P5ZED” is a massive bitcoin balea.

ospetsu Bitcoin Address ‘1P5ZED’ Once Again Sparks Unfounded Speculation and Rumors

The “1P5ZED” bitcoin helbidea rumor is making the rounds again, as people wholeheartedly believe that the address is a bullish whale capturing massive quantities of bitcoin. Stories about the “1P5ZED” bitcoin address have been argitaratu Kripto-albistegien arabera, analistek aldarrikatu entitateak 'negoziazio estrategia' du, Redditors-ek argitaratutako hariak zorroaren transferentzietan, eta zorroa izan da a gaurkotasuneko elkarrizketa Twitterren ere bai.

Adibidez, 21ko apirilaren 2022ean, "Ozz, Altseason-eko CEO" izeneko Twitter kontu bat. Tweeted a claim that the company Microstrategy was selling and has sold bitcoin.

“I just realized that Microstrategy has been selling bitcoin without telling no one,” Ozz said. “Michael Saylor said he would never do so, but yesterday he sold more than 1,500 bitcoins. From their main address, bitcoins have been sent to a secondary address that has been using Coinbase and Okex to sell bitcoins,” Ozz gehitu. Twitter kontuak ere esan zuen Microstrategy-ren helbideak hauek zirela:

Main custodial address: 1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ Secondary custodial address: 1FzWLkAahHooV3kzTgyx6qsswXJ6sCXkSR

Jende batzuk berriz deitu zuen Ozz-ek txioan informazioa % 100 okerra delako, helbidea Microstrategy-ren jabetzakoa ez denez, txioa oraindik ere existitzen da 262 birtxio, 163 txio aipatu eta 1,200 gustatu ingururekin idazteko unean. Txioak, gainera, kopuru handia eragin zuen funtsik gabeko espekulazioa Zurrumurru Egiazkoak diren Mikroestrategiari buruz.

‼️I just realized that you're a moron.

- Jameson Lopp (@lopp) Apirilaren 21, 2022

This is because the third-largest bitcoin address is not owned by Microstrategy and is more than likely an exchange platform. Bitcoin.com Albisteak ditu ikertu the “1P5ZED” bitcoin address before, and onchain analytics have shown exchange spending patterns like cluster spending.

Industria Iturburuak Blockchain Analytics Tresnak Lotu '1P5ZED' Geminiri eskatzen dio

Blockchair.com-en Onchain analitikek hori adierazten dute "1P5ZED" transakzioak beti pribatutasun gutxirekin finkatzen dira. Blokeen esploratzailea oxt.ni also has two annotations which explain that the “1P5ZED” bitcoin address may be tied to the exchange Bittrex.

Hala ere, ondoren Bitcoin.com News published our "1P5ZED"-ri buruzko txostena gure albistegiak banako baten mezua jaso zuen artikuluari buruz. Pertsonak izenik ez emateko eskatu zuen eta "bloke-kateen analitika tresnetarako sarbidea (Chainalysis eta Ciphertrace) bere lan-funtzioaren zati gisa" zutela azaldu zuen. Norbanakoak gaineratu zuen:

Ia % 100eko aukera dago zure artikuluan bi helbideak, bai 1P5ZED bai 1FzWLk, Geminikoak izatea.

Blockchain analizatzaileek erakusten dute "1FzWLk” transakzio asko egiten ditu “1P5ZED” transakzioekin. "1FzWLk" ere bada ohar batekin markatuta oxt.me-n truke batekin erlazionatuta dagoen helbideari buruz. "[1FzWLk] Whale Alerts-ek Okex gisa adierazi du. Iturburu eta kluster gastuek Coinbase eta Geminirekin lotura estuagoak iradokitzen dituzten arren, " Ergobtc idatzi zuen garai hartan.

While most of the top bitcoin addresses are labeled as exchanges, people continue to hype things up in the crypto media as if this is a mystery bitcoin whale. The fact is the wallet is most likely, with almost a 100% guarantee, a well-known exchange that has not been labeled as a trading platform. Although, as long as the third-largest bitcoin address remains unflagged, it will be open to interpretation and conjecture.

"1P5ZED" ausazko balearen helbidea dela uste duzu edo truke batekoa dela uste duzu? Esan iezaguzu zer pentsatzen duzun gai honi buruz beheko iruzkinen atalean.

Jatorrizko iturria: Bitcoin.com