SHIBek 1.4 milioi dolar gehitzen dizkio bere merkatu-kapitalari, baina epe hurbileko hornikuntza-eremua berreskura dezake

AMB Crypto-ren eskutik - duela urte 1 - Irakurtzeko denbora: 1 minutu

SHIBek 1.4 milioi dolar gehitzen dizkio bere merkatu-kapitalari, baina epe hurbileko hornikuntza-eremua berreskura dezake

Shiba Inu community was in celebratory mode on 21 June after the dog-themed memecoin pumped back above the $0.00000965 price level. Most of the hype was because it managed to drop a zero, a move that has historically been considered a great win for the community. SHIB not only managed to climb to a new […]

Jatorrizko iturria: Kriptoarekin