Olatuak: 5.9 $ maila erresistentziara irauli da, merkatariek laburra egin dezakete...

AMB Crypto-ren eskutik - duela urte 1 - Irakurtzeko denbora: 1 minutu

Olatuak: 5.9 $ maila erresistentziara irauli da, merkatariek laburra egin dezakete...

Disclaimer: The information presented does not constitute financial, investment, trading, or other types of advice and is solely the opinion of the writer. A week ago, Waves saw a near 50% surge from the $4.5 lows to reach $7.15. Yet, this dramatic surge did not see follow-through from the bulls. A retest of the $5.9 […]

Jatorrizko iturria: Kriptoarekin