XRP vs SEC: Here’s Why the US Regulator Targeted Ripple, According to Coin Bureau Host

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XRP vs SEC: Here’s Why the US Regulator Targeted Ripple, According to Coin Bureau Host

A popular crypto analyst is laying out the possible reasons why the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) went after Ripple with a lawsuit.

Bideo berri batean, Guy Coin Bureau-ko ostalariak bere 2.03 milioi YouTube-ko harpidedunei esaten die beste kripto-proiektu askoren profilera egokitzen direla. XRP but the SEC targeted the seventh-largest cryptocurrency due to the fact Ripple is based in the US.

"Horrek askoz errazagoa du SEC-k atzetik joatea beste nonbait dauden beste kriptografia-proiektu handiekin alderatuta. Gauza da badirudi SECk ere haien atzetik doala Terraren eta bere Mirror protokoloaren aurkako auzi sorpresak iazko amaieran agerian utzi zuen bezala. SECk atzerriko kripto-enpresen atzetik joan da iraganean ere. 

Hori dio analistak Ripple’s deep pockets are also to blame for the lawsuit.

“The second possible reason is that Ripple has a lot of money and the SEC is trying to secure a sizable settlement that will make for good headlines and potentially be used to fund the expansion of its regulatory operations.”

If this were true, then the SEC would try and maximize settlements by going after many of the other projects with similar approaches to Ripple. Also, they’ve only issued $2.4 billion in crypto-related fines since 2013, which host Guy believes isn’t much, all things considered.

Hirugarren aukera SECk aurrekari bat behar duela dio beste kriptografia-proiektu batzuen atzetik joateko.

"XRP dagoen kripto-moneta handienetako bat da eta mutil handietako bat kenduta, seinale bat bidaltzen dio industriari. Gauza da SECk ez duela baliabiderik hainbeste kriptografia-proiektu auzitara eramateko».

The fourth possible reason is “the threat of RippleNet,” the SWIFT payment system alternative that Ripple sortu.

“As far as I can tell RippleNet was actually seeing some adoption from financial institutions in select regions shortly after it launched in 2019. Given that the SEC likely first engaged Ripple in mid to late 2020, this suggests that it was a response to the threat of RippleNet rather than Ripple’s sales of XRP. It would also explain why the SEC waited so long to crack down on Ripple – but in truth, this timing could just be a coincidence.”


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Irudi aipagarria: Shutterstock/jovan vitanovski

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