Bitcoin Adoption määrä Pakistanissa lisääntyy edelleen ilman sääntelyn selkeyttä

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Bitcoin Adoption määrä Pakistanissa lisääntyy edelleen ilman sääntelyn selkeyttä

Pakistan on noin 250 miljoonan asukkaan yksi Kaakkois-Aasian kehittyvistä markkinoista ja maa, jossa suurin osa väestöstä elää köyhyysrajan alapuolella.

The people of Pakistan are hopeful; many believe that good times are coming, and the country's future is bright amid political chaos and a tumbling financial situation for 2023. However, the overall situation seems to be getting on track, with the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) reaching its historical all-time highs.

"Bitcoin Pakistan," a community of like-minded technology and bitcoin enthusiasts in Pakistan, organized its first physical networking event in Lahore last month, in November. The interest in understanding bitcoin as an inflation hedge tool and a global payments network is increasing.

However, people in Pakistan are also afraid of the legality of cryptocurrency; many seem reluctant to talk publicly about it, fearing consequences from the authorities. There is a common misunderstanding that bitcoin is banned or illegal in Pakistan.

The Central Bank of Nigeria imposed a similar ban on cryptocurrency transactions through banks in 2021. However, after witnessing the increased demand for bitcoin and its usage in the country, the CBN lifted the ban in the latest circular, providing clear instructions.

Nigerian keskuspankki ilmoitti:

"However, current trends globally have shown that there is a need to regulate the activities of virtual asset service providers (VASPs), which include cryptocurrencies and crypto assets."

Sen sijaan Pakistanin valtionpankki varoitti vuonna 2018 julkaisemallaan kiertokirjeellä yleisöä siitä, että kryptovaluutat eivät ole Pakistanin hallituksen laillisia maksuvälineitä, liikkeeseen laskemia tai takaamia. Lisäksi SBP selvensi, että se ei valtuuta tai lisensoi ketään yksityishenkilöä tai yhteisöä laskemaan liikkeeseen, myymään, ostamaan, vaihtamaan tai sijoittamaan tällaisiin virtuaalisiin valuuttoihin (VC) / kolikoihin / rahakkeisiin Pakistanissa. Siksi kaikkia säänneltyjä yhteisöjä kehotettiin pidättymään virtuaalivaluuttojen/tokeneiden käsittelystä, käytöstä, kaupankäynnistä, hallussapidosta, arvon siirtämisestä, mainostamisesta ja niihin sijoittamisesta.

Bitcoin adoption, on the other hand, has increased significantly in Pakistan, even though there is no regulated exchange in the region. People use peer-to-peer services like Binance, Paxful, and other OTC trade methods to acquire bitcoin Pakistanissa.

The number may not be precise, but it seems Pakistan is ranking among the top countries in bitcoin adoption rate in emerging markets in the developing world.

Pakistan's rapid adoption of bitcoin can also be explained when we look at the yearly inflation, which is exceeding 25% and has been worsening for the past few years amid political chaos and pressure from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The freelancing industry is thriving, and Pakistan is one of the top countries exporting IT services. The freelancers' community has shifted towards storing a major portion of their wealth in foreign currency such as USD or GBP, and the number of freelancers holding bitcoin or USDT as an inflation hedge has increased significantly since the COVID crisis.

Bitcoin is a revolution that can't be stopped; many other nations have realized it and are working to make regulations to keep up with the innovation in the digital world. With friendly regulations from the government and a strict crackdown on crypto frauds in Pakistan, doors can open for new opportunities and attract huge investments that can help lift Pakistan out of its debt crisis.

Tämä on Farooq Ahmedin vieraspostaus. Esitetyt mielipiteet ovat täysin heidän omiaan eivätkä välttämättä heijasta BTC Inc: n tai Bitcoin Magazine.

Alkuperäinen lähde: Bitcoin aikakauslehti