Les banques centrales s'unissent pour « s'affaiblir » Bitcoin: De nouvelles recherches révèlent

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Les banques centrales s'unissent pour « s'affaiblir » Bitcoin: De nouvelles recherches révèlent

Daniel Batten, managing partner at CH4 Capital and a noted climate activist for The Bitcoin ESG Forecast, has brought to light new research indicating a concerted effort by Central Banks, particularly within the European Union, to systematically “weaken” BTC’s influence and standing.

Dans une exposition détaillée partagée via X (anciennement Twitter), Batten A déclaré: “While we were sleeping, the European Commission (via ESMA & ECB) has been creating a report which they plan to label Bitcoin – environmentally harmful – a threat to EU energy security – a haven for financial criminals. This paves the way for 2025 de facto EU bans on BTC & BTC mining.”

Selon Batten, cette décision de la Commission européenne fait partie d’une stratégie plus large ayant des implications mondiales. Il a souligné : « L’ESMA, en étroite collaboration avec la BCE, a signalé qu’une fois le rapport accepté dans l’UE, elle fera pression pour qu’il devienne la norme dans d’autres pays. »

Coordinated Attack Against Bitcoin

Linking the current scenario to the aftermath of the Crise financière mondiale (GFC), Batten suggests a deep-seated fear among Central Banks regarding the decentralizing potential of Bitcoin. He quotes, “During The GFC, Central Bankers realized the risk people could discover our Central Bank-based financial system had been transferring from the poor to the rich for generations.”

How 3 EU Central Banks are working together to try to weaken Bitcoin

Quelle action chacun d’eux a entreprise

Quels sont leurs prochains mouvements

Ce que nous devons faire


– Daniel Batten (@DSBatten) 31 janvier 2024

Batten further accuses the ECB of shifting their stance from ridicule to active opposition post-2018. “After this 2018 survey, they moved into fight mode,” he claims. He identifies the ECB, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), and the DNB (Dutch Central Bank) as the leading entities in this alleged campaign against Bitcoin.

The research points out the strategic use of environmental concerns as a primary attack vector. Batten asserts, “The prime attack vector has been ‘Bitcoin is bad for the environment.’ It’s a lie, of course, which anyone who has looked into it deeply will know.”

The report also brings attention to specific incidents that have shaped public perception and policy towards BTC. Batten recalls the 2021 episode where Elon Musk, influenced by media reports, declared Tesla would n'accepte plus BTC payments. He quotes analyst Willy Woo, saying, “This, more than the Interdiction de la Chine, was the event that halted Bitcoin’s 2021 bull run.”

L'implication de Ripple Founder Chris Larsen in anti-Bitcoin campaigns is highlighted as a notable example of the intertwined interests between traditional financial players and digital currency policies. Batten points out, “Larsen’s $5M don to GreenpeaceUSA for an anti-Bitcoin campaign is a clear conflict of interest, overlooked by mainstream media.”

La bataille est loin d'être terminée

Despite the alleged efforts by Central Banks, BTC has shown resilience. Batten remarks, “Not everything of course went to play. Bitcoin was not supposed to rally 150% after ECB’s ‘Bitcoin’s Last Stand’ obituary late last year.” Moreover, BTC was not supposed to gain support from institutions like KPMG ainsi que le BlackRock, contradicting the central banks’ narrative.

In conclusion, Batten emphasizes the critical crossroads at which the future of digital currencies stands. He urges support for organizations actively engaging with regulatory bodies and combating misinformation. “Supporting groups like the Open Dialogue Foundation, Bitcoin Policy UK, and the Satoshi Action Fund is crucial in countering the misinformation and shaping a future where digital currencies can thrive,” he advocates.

Au moment de mettre sous presse, le BTC s'échangeait à 42,684 43,580 $ après avoir été rejeté à la résistance clé de XNUMX XNUMX $.

Source primaire: Bitcoinest