Binance Publica o seu sistema de proba de reservas para Bitcoin Participacións, activos adicionais en breve

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Binance Publica o seu sistema de proba de reservas para Bitcoin Participacións, activos adicionais en breve

On Nov. 25, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of daily trade volume, Binance, published its bitcoin proof-of-reserves (POR) system using The Merkle approach. At the time of writing, the snapshot provided by Binance shows the firm’s onchain reserves equate to 582,485 bitcoin, while the company’s customer net balance is roughly 575,742 bitcoin.

**Editor’s Note: This article was updated to reflect new commentary from Kraken executive Jesse Powell on Nov. 25, 2022.

Binance'S Bitcoin Proof-of-Reserves Ratio Is Currently 101%

Binance has published the company’s sistema de proba de reservas in regard to the bitcoin (BTC) cache the company holds. The POR feature is initially starting with Binance'S bitcoin holdings, but other “networks [are] being added in the next couple of weeks.” The news follows the recent Colapso do FTX e a comunidade criptográfica insistindo que as plataformas centralizadas de comercio de moeda dixital proban as súas reservas. Ademais da comunidade criptográfica, os executivos de intercambio como Kraken Jesse Powell tamén interveu na conversa POR.

Hai dous días, Novidades informar sobre o comentario de Powell sobre as chamadas listas POR que simplemente mostran enderezos de moeda dixital. Powell dixo que estas listas de enderezos non eran auditorías POR lexítimas e subliñou que unha verdadeira auditoría POR "require proba criptográfica dos saldos dos clientes e do control da carteira". Powell tamén compartiu unha publicación no blog escrita en 2014 chamada "Proving Your Bitcoin Reserves,” que discute O enfoque de Merkle. Basicamente, porque os intercambios usan centos de enderezos pódese aproveitar unha árbore de Merkle para consolidar todos os datos nun único hash, que logo pode ser verificado criptográficamente por calquera.

Lista de proba de reservas de Nic Carter ou "Muro da Fama", lists centralized trading platforms that have submitted “full POR” audits. At the time of writing, there are five crypto platforms that have shared full PORs that feature The Merkle approach on the Wall of Fame. Three of them (Coinfloor,, and HBTC), however, provided Merkle-based assessments in May 2020, May 2021, and August 2021. Kraken and Bitmex are up-to-date, as they shared Merkle-based assessments this month. On Friday, BinanceCEO de Changpeng Zhao (CZ) tuiteado sobre a empresa que comparte o POR da empresa.

A number of crypto supporters were pleased with Binance sharing the company’s POR. The whistleblower known as Fatman replied to CZ’s tweet. “This is amazing,” Fatman dito. "Espero que os intercambios máis pequenos sigan rapidamente o exemplo. Grazas por liderar esta iniciativa tan importante. Ter unha proba criptográfica da solvencia dun intercambio é un cambio serio".

Binance’s snapshot was recorded on Nov. 22, 2022, at 23:59 p.m. (UTC) and records show Binance’s onchain reserves equate to 582,485 BTC, while customer balances equate to 575,742 bitcoin. That gives Binance a reserve ratio of around 101% and the blog post has a section that says users can “click to verify” their BTC assets held on Binance. In order for users to be able to verificar saldos e transaccións, they can log into Binance, and click the audit button in the wallet section. “You will be able to find your Merkle Leaf and Record ID within the page,” Binance explica.

Adicionalmente, Binance has disclosed upcoming plans for the POR list which include:

Lanza o seguinte lote de POR nas próximas dúas semanas, incluíndo activos adicionais

Involucra a auditores de terceiros para auditar os resultados de PoR

Implementar ZK-SNARK para POR, mellorando a privacidade e a robustez e demostrando que o saldo neto total (USD) de cada usuario non é negativo

The ZK-SNARKs for PoR will allow for proof-of-reserves on Binance’s leverage services. “Because Binance offers margin and loans services, the audit results will show the Net Balance, Equity, and Debt of each user, where the Net Balance = Equity – Debt,” Binance’s blog post concludes. “As such, there will be individual users having negative asset balances. We are hence also working to implement ZK-SNARKs, which will be used to prove those users have enough other assets to cover the funds with collateral. This will prove that the total net balances (USD) of each user is non-negative.”

Kraken’s Powell Says the ‘Statement of Assets Is Pointless Without Liabilities’

Despite the release of Binance’s new POR system, Kraken’s Jesse Powell took issue with the way it was presented. “I’m sorry but no. This is not POR. This is either ignorance or intentional misrepresentation,” Powell tuiteado. “The Merkle tree is just hand-wavey bullsh** without an auditor to make sure you didn’t include accounts with negative balances. The statement of assets is pointless without liabilities.” Powell engadido:

This is simply ‘here’s a hash of your record in the BTC spreadsheet.’ Ok … but what’s the point? The whole point of this is to understand whether an exchange has more crypto in its custody than it owes to clients. Putting a hash on a row ID is worthless without everything else.

Binance’s CEO CZ responded to the commentary. “In crypto: Brian A and Jesse P say FTX is an ‘overseas exchange’ problem, even though SBF is American,” CZ dito. “I tweeted questions about Coinbase/Grayscale. Brian answered it. Jesse questions Binance’s Proof-of-Reserves today. We will answer it. I view these as healthy checks,” CZ added.

¿Que pensas? Binance sharing the company’s POR tied to the exchange’s bitcoin explotacións? Díganos o que pensa sobre este tema na sección de comentarios a continuación.

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