Bitcoin Miner Mawson Inks ofrece ofertas de hospedaxe con Celsius Mining and Foundry Digital

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Bitcoin Miner Mawson Inks ofrece ofertas de hospedaxe con Celsius Mining and Foundry Digital

o bitcoin mining operation Mawson Infrastructure Group (MIGI) has started to make hosting deals with key players in the mining industry. On March 1, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) documents show that Mawson signed a 100-megawatt (MW) co-location agreement with Celsius Mining. Three days later, Mawson announced a 12-megawatt (MW) co-location deal with Foundry Digital.

Mawson asina acordos de coubicación con Celsius Mining and Foundry Digital

Mawson Infrastructure Group is making moves within the bitcoin mining industry as the company has recently partnered with Celsius Mining and Foundry Digital. News has reported on the bitcoin mining operation Mawson in the past when the firm adquirido 11,760 next-generation A1246 ASIC Avalonminers from Canaan.

Just prior to the mining equipment acquisition, Mawson renombrado and changed the company’s name from Wize Pharma to Mawson Infrastructure Group. The company rebranded at the end of March 2021 and at the time, Mawson CEO James Manning said the move toward bolstering digital asset infrastructure globally was similar to the explorer and geologist Sir Douglas Mawson’s Antarctic exploration.

On March 1, 2022, Mawson inked a deal with Celsius Mining, the crypto lending firm Celsius Network’s mining subsidiary. documentos SEC show Celsius Mining will provide a mining facility in order to host the 100-megawatt (MW) co-location.

"A industria está experimentando unha escaseza de enerxía e infraestruturas enerxéticas; tendo centrado como negocio en 'Infrastructure First' hai moito tempo, isto permítenos asumir clientes estratéxicos no noso negocio de co-ubicación de hospedaxe", dixo o CEO de Mawson, Manning, nun comunicado. . "A demanda e a [consulta] entrante de hospedaxe seguen aumentando, e estamos ansiosos por seguir actualizando aos accionistas nesta fronte no seu momento".

After Mawson inked the deal with Celsius Mining, the company anunciado a partnership with Foundry Digital LLC. Mawson’s announcement said that the “12-megawatt hosting customer [is] to have first mining hardware units online end of Q1, 2022.”

The company plans to deploy the mining rigs inside its “proprietary Modular Data Centre (MDC) technology at its facilities in the United States.” Foundry operates the mining pool Foundry USA, which has been the piscina de minería superior in terms of hashrate for most of 2022.

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