BTC morreu 466 veces - Engadíronse 2 chamadas de morte máis Bitcoin Lista de obituarios despois do colapso de FTX

By - hai 1 ano - Tempo de lectura: 3 minutos

BTC morreu 466 veces - Engadíronse 2 chamadas de morte máis Bitcoin Lista de obituarios despois do colapso de FTX

Just before the FTX collapse, bitcoin was trading above the $20K zone and after the problems started to show and the company filed for bankruptcy, bitcoin’s price dropped close to 19% lower than it was days before the fiasco. According to the official Bitcoin Obituaries list, the sliding crypto prices added another two bitcoin obituaries to the list of so-called bitcoin deaths over the years.

2 More Notice of Death Calls Added to the Bitcoin Obituaries List Following FTX’s Demise

É seguro dicir que o colapso de FTX baixou moito os prezos das criptomoedas e, desde a morte, o Bitcoin Obituaries list hosted on has added two deaths to the long list of written obituaries published since December 15, 2010.

Segundo a lista, bitcoin has died 466 times since started the deaths list. So far in 2022, roughly 22 bitcoin obituaries have been added this year, which is more than 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2020 in terms of deaths per year.

Os dous últimos graváronse despois do colapso do FTX, e o primeiro foi da conta de Twitter Ramp Capital. No momento da publicación do obituario, BTC’s value was around $15,880.78 per unit according to

"Crypto morreu hoxe", Ramp Capital tuiteado. “I don’t see how it recovers from this. Generational wealth evaporated. Trust evaporated.” In another statement and the second bitcoin obituary after Ramp Capital’s tweet, the author Chetan Bhagat shared his article titled “Crypto Is Now Dead.”

En Twitter, Bhagat dito: "Crypto está agora morto: FTX, un intercambio de criptomonedas, colapsouse a semana pasada, demostrando que moitos mozos xeniais están horriblemente equivocados", citando un extracto do seu editorial.

Bhagat e Ramp Capital únense a persoas como o popular ensaísta Nassim Nicholas Taleb, o economista Peter Schiff, and many others who have also written bitcoin death sentences. While 2022 has around 22 deaths so far and the year is almost over, 2017 saw the most bitcoin obituaries added to the list.

Un total de 124 bitcoin obituaries were added in 2017 and the second largest year was 2021. Both of those years were extremely bullish times for BTC’s price as they both saw record-breaking price highs. Ironically, the very first bitcoin obituary notes that the “only thing that’s even kept bitcoin alive this long is its novelty,” yet the so-called novelty hasn’t worn off in 14 years.

o Bitcoin Lista de obituarios aloxada en is always a fun read, but not one of the so-called death calls has ever come to fruition. Bhagat’s and Ramp Capital’s recent obituaries simply join the hundreds of others that hold the belief that ‘this time will be different,’ and bitcoin will be brought to its knees.

O principal activo criptográfico bitcoin (BTC), however, is alive and well with its exchange rate beating like a heart. In terms of functional uptime, the Bitcoin network has been functional without missing a beat 99.98785008872% do momento desde a súa creación o 3 de xaneiro de 2009.

Que opinas das últimas bitcoin obituaries added to the list following the FTX collapse? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

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