Crypto starts week Positive, Bitcoin Bulls Prep For A Breakout

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Crypto starts week Positive, Bitcoin Bulls Prep For A Breakout

On Monday, the cryptocurrency and Bitcoin market turned positive, attempting to break out of its current downturn, with market capitalization rising 1.5% to $1.37 trillion. The largest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin , reached $30,554, up 1.2%.

Bitcoin Price Sheds Gains

o Bitcoin price’s downhill movement is becoming increasingly apparent. A rally towards $33,700 is possible.

For nearly two weeks, the Bitcoin price Fear and Greed indicator has been at high fear levels. Because more investors are afraid to invest in the present BTC price, this Index can be utilized as a contrarian positive indicator, allowing smart money to accumulate huge orders.

No gráfico de 6 horas, o que antes se consideraba un mercado lateral confuso agora está enrolando nun patrón moi alcista, o que indica a participación do diñeiro intelixente.

O prezo de bitcoin is creating a sideways triangle. From an Elliott wave standpoint, the lengthy sideways action justifies a wave B pattern. Since the initial countertrend rally on May 13th around $31,200, it has spent disproportionate time in the $30,000 zone. If the technicals hold, another countertrend profit-taking rise with targets of $33,700 and $34,000 will occur before significant bearish resistance returns.

Unha brecha por debaixo da onda A en $ 28,630 invalida a premisa alcista. Se os osos logran romper esta barreira, o seguinte obxectivo podería ser de 23,500 dólares, unha caída do 20% do prezo actual de BTC.

As condicións macroeconómicas dos Estados Unidos axudaron ao aumento dos mercados criptográficos o 23 de maio. O presidente Joe Biden anunciou intencións de reducir os aranceis comerciais con China antes de que se abrise o mercado, reforzando a confianza dos investidores.

Related Reading | Eight Consecutive Red Closes: Is Bitcoin Headed For A Recovery?

Accións de mineiros arriba e abaixo

Bitcoin’s network difficulty is expected to decrease by 3.3 percent during its next automated readjustment this week, according to the latest projections. The drop will be the biggest since July 2021, and it’s apparent that Bitcoin’s slump has put miners’ profits in jeopardy.

A pesar do feito de que os movementos das súas carteiras aos intercambios tocaron un mínimo de 30 días o 23 de maio, segundo a plataforma de seguimento en cadea Glassnode, os mineiros non mostran indicios de capitulación.

At the start of a new trading week, bitcoin miner stocks were up and down in equal measure.

Lecturas relacionadas | As liquidacións longas seguen a facerse co mercado Bitcoin Loita por resolver por riba dos 30,000 dólares

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