Aquí está o porqué Bitcoin (BTC) Is the Fastest Horse in the Race, According to Macro Analyst Lyn Alden

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Aquí está o porqué Bitcoin (BTC) Is the Fastest Horse in the Race, According to Macro Analyst Lyn Alden

Macro strategist Lyn Alden says Bitcoin (BTC) will surpass all other digital currencies to become the dominant form of money.

In a new interview with the What Bitcoin Did podcast, Alden says the race for dominance is between BTC and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

“I think the digitization of money is inevitable, and then the question is, ‘Which type becomes dominant?’ Is Bitcoin strong enough to push back on government control over it, or does it run into a number of shortcomings and governments are able to make their CBDCs rather dominant? And I err towards Bitcoin being successful long term. I think it has the properties.

It checks off a number of boxes, and even the boxes it doesn’t check off are within sight of being able to be checked off as technology improves and as it just gets more widely held, and it becomes better. So I think longer term, I think Bitcoin… You can call it the fastest horse in the race. It’s I think the best thing to bet on, even though for most people I wouldn’t recommend 100% allocation to Bitcoin, but I think it’s something silly not to have any of at this point.”

Alden notes that Bitcoin is an asset that isn’t some other entity’s liability, unlike equities, bonds or currencies. The macro analyst also notes BTC is more portable than gold and can be used for “censorship-resistant” payments.

“Ten diversos casos de uso, polo que creo que ademais de investimento, ademais de aforro, tamén é un seguro. Dálle esa opción dun xeito que outros activos non. 

Bitcoin cotiza a 37,897.06 dólares no momento da redacción, unha caída de máis do 17% no último mes.


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Imaxe destacada: Shutterstock/Kartavaya Olya/Konstantin Faraktinov

O posto Aquí está o porqué Bitcoin (BTC) Is the Fastest Horse in the Race, According to Macro Analyst Lyn Alden apareceu por primeira vez en O Daily Hodl.

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