Coinbase está perdendo a súa vantaxe? Nano Bitcoin Futuros ve intereses baixos

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Coinbase está perdendo a súa vantaxe? Nano Bitcoin Futuros ve intereses baixos

Coinbase é facilmente un dos nomes máis recoñecibles no espazo criptográfico e tivo moitos éxitos cando se trata dos seus produtos. Tamén se converteu na primeira empresa criptográfica en saír a bolsa e segue negociando no mercado aberto. Non obstante, a medida que se introduciu o mercado bajista criptográfico, varios proxectos no espazo criptográfico tiveron un éxito. E parece que Coinbase non queda fóra dado como vai o seu último lanzamento.

Coinbase Launches Bitcoin Nano Futures

A Coinbase bitcoin nano futures had finally been launched on Monday. A nano bitcoin futures contract represents only 1.100th of a whole bitcoin, which makes it smaller than the CME micro futures. Even though it was anticipated, the market climate had no doubt affected the performance during this time. Coinbase had become the third platform to launch a cash-settled nano bitcoin futures with this launch but unlike its other counterparts, CME and Bakkt, the launch would go much slower for the crypto exchange.

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After the launch on Monday, the nano bitcoin futures had been able to pull in only 25.94 BTC in open interest. Thus, Coinbase was only accounting for 0.0052% of all of the global open interest. Its daily volume was just as slow with only $3.8 million recorded after the first day of trading.

CME negociando con premio para offshore | Fonte: Investigación Arcana

This may not entirely be on the crypto platform as Monday was not an especially good trading day for the futures basis. CME recorded a decline in its futures basis following bitcoin’s price crash even though it had continued to trade at a premium to the offshore market. So it is not a far stretch to speculate that this had spilled onto the Coinbase launch and had triggered such slow interest in the nano bitcoin futuros.

O prezo das accións segue sufrindo

The Coinbase nano bitcoin futures is not the only thing from the crypto exchange that is having a hard time in the market. Coinbase’s stock continues to struggle through the market despite launching with such a high start price. Currently, the stock is trading at $49.75, more than 88% lower than its listing price back in 2021. 

O prezo das accións de Coinbase baixou un 89 % respecto de ATH | Fonte: Coinbase Global Inc. en

As loitas de Coinbase no mercado provocaron especulacións por parte dos expertos da industria sobre se a saída a bolsa foi un movemento prematuro por parte do intercambio criptográfico. O seu rendemento no NASDAQ foi decepcionante, xa que as accións rexistraron máis peches semanais vermellos que os verdes.

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Nevertheless, the exchange remains very popular among crypto users. With daily volumes of more than $1.5 billion, it is ranked as the third-largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, coming behind FTX and Binance. By 2021, the exchange had more than 56 million users and was valued a $65 billion. It also had $223 millóns de activos xestionados para o mesmo ano.

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