Top Crypto Analyst Gives Three Massive Price Targets for Bitcoin (BTC) in Year 2030

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Top Crypto Analyst Gives Three Massive Price Targets for Bitcoin (BTC) in Year 2030

The host of InvestAnswers is envisioning three possible price points for Bitcoin (BTC) in the year 2030 as the top crypto asset by market cap struggles to reclaim the $30,000 mark.

Nunha nova actualización de vídeo, the analyst tells his 439,000 YouTube subscribers that his “bear case” for Bitcoin in 2030 is $576,000, which is about 1,886% from current prices.

"Entón non está mal dende onde estamos hoxe. Isto é basicamente un dar ou recibir 20x, un par de dólares, o que supón un gran retorno, pero aínda así, é un obxectivo en movemento. As cousas cambian todo o tempo. Cambios de adopción, cambios de redes, cambios de competencia. Téñao en conta".

The crypto analyst also looks at the market cap of gold and posits that Bitcoin could eventually grow to be 40%, 60% or 100% of the precious metal’s market cap, which would equate to $514,815, $785,955 or $1.30 million, respectively, by 2030.

"A narrativa de valoración dixital de ouro/tenda de valor é moi, moi importante. Moita xente, todos os principais expertos do lugar, ven isto como un método básico de valoración do mercado...

A adopción de Bitcoin is faster than that of the internet, and that of mobile phones right now. Therefore, due to Metcalfe’s Law, this is completely believable.”

Fonte: InvestAnswers/YouTube

The analyst also lays out a third price target for Bitcoin which he derives by creating an average of a collection of popular models from Fidelity, ARK Invest and others.

Ao combinar algúns dos modelos coñecidos do espazo, o anfitrión da popular canle de YouTube presenta un Bitcoin prezo obxectivo de 1.55 millóns de dólares no ano 2030.

Fonte: InvestAnswers/YouTube

By combining all three aforementioned price targets, the host finds an average “expected” target of $785,955 for Bitcoin, with $576,389 being the low end of the range and $1.55 million being the most optimistic forecast for BTC.


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Imaxe destacada: Shutterstock/breakermaximus/Nikelser Kate

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