O comerciante suxire que o rally do mercado está "construído na area" mentres os principais analistas pelexan sobre o próximo gran movemento de Crypto

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O comerciante suxire que o rally do mercado está "construído na area" mentres os principais analistas pelexan sobre o próximo gran movemento de Crypto

Two widely followed analysts are disagreeing about the crypto market’s next big move as Bitcoin (BTC) e Ethereum (ETH) trade sideways.

The back-and-forth began when pseudonymous analyst Pentoshi compartido a crypto market cap graph with his 683,300 Twitter followers.

“Crypto Total market cap BTC, ETH + ALTS 

I still can’t get over how clean this has been 

21′ lows have capped off upside for almost the past year 

2017′ (prev bull market highs) have marked the lows of the bear market”

Fonte: Pentoshi/Twitter

The total crypto market cap measures the total value in the crypto markets, from Bitcoin to Ethereum to all the other altcoins.

In response, pseudonymous analyst Capo commented on the post, suxerindo the charts indicate the total crypto market cap is about to fall off a cliff.

Fonte: Pentoshi/Twitter

Capo’s graph prompted Pentoshi to responder, indicating that he disagrees with Capo’s prediction.

“If this actually happens I’d probably bring back all the profits I took out of this market and wouldn’t hesitate.”

Capo has maintained for months that the crypto markets are due for an epic crash. Recently, he compartido this BTC graph with his 737,100 Twitter followers, predicting a major downfall for the king crypto in April.


Fonte: Pentoshi/Twitter

When one follower suggested Capo was just trolling, Capo respondeu que non era.

“Not really. It’s what I truly think, but with a touch of humor. What makes people bullish and confident is the price action but they don’t stop to think beyond that. The macro is what it is, and keeps getting worse.

Markets rise, a false rebound,

Built on sand, unstable ground.”

BTC vale 28,492 dólares no momento da escritura, un 0.05% máis nas últimas 24 horas.

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Imaxe destacada: Shutterstock/Aleksandr Kukharskiy/Fotomay

O posto O comerciante suxire que o rally do mercado está "construído na area" mentres os principais analistas pelexan sobre o próximo gran movemento de Crypto apareceu por primeira vez en O Daily Hodl.

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