Argentina Registers 6.6% CPI in February; Inflation Numbers Blast Past 100% YoY for First Time Since the 90s

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Argentina Registers 6.6% CPI in February; Inflation Numbers Blast Past 100% YoY for First Time Since the 90s

Nacionalni institut za statistiku i popis stanovništva Argentine objavio je podatke za veljaču za indeks potrošačkih cijena (CPI), koji bilježi rast od 6.6%, prvenstveno kao posljedica poskupljenja hrane i pića. Brojka je među najvišima u povijesti Argentine, dosegnuvši više od 100% rasta na godišnjoj razini (YoY), nešto što je uznemirilo lokalne analitičare.

Argentina bilježi rekordne CPI razine u veljači

The National Institute of Statistics and Census in Argentina released the inflation numbers for February, alarming local analysts. According to the prijaviti, February’s monthly CPI reached 6.6%, a higher number than the 6% registered in January. The rise was mostly caused by the increase in prices of food and beverages, which grew by 9.8%, hitting the pockets of Argentines. Inside this sector, meats spearheaded the hike, with prices rising by more than 30% in some cases.

Inflacija je dosegla rekordne godišnje razine, s cijenama koje su porasle 102.5% na godišnjoj razini, što je najveći broj u više od 30 godina. Čak i uz ovakvo ponašanje bez presedana, analitičari predviđaju daljnje ubrzanje za ožujak, što bi osujetilo očekivanja vlade da održi CPI ispod 100% za 2023.

Brojevi Argentine drugi su najveći u Latamu, zaostaju samo za godišnjim CPI-jem Venezuele, koji je u listopadu dosegao 155.8%.

Gubitak bitke

Local economists have expressed their worries about the acceleration of prices in the country, calling for changes in the economic policies of the government of Alberto Fernandez. The government has been trying to contain inflation by uspostavljanje price control mechanisms since last October, but these movements have not achieved the desired goal.

Martin Vauthier, an economist from Anker Latam, a financial counseling group, navedeno:

Potreban je stabilizacijski program sa snažnom fiskalnom komponentom, tečajem u skladu s akumulacijom rezervi i dosljednom monetarnom politikom koja služi preokretanju očekivanja i ponovnoj izgradnji potražnje za novcem.

Šef istraživanja Ecolatine, Santiago Manoukian, također je izjavio:

Glavna zabrinutost je da je porast potaknut hranom i pićem, s većim utjecajem na potrošačku košaricu najsiromašnijih kućanstava.

The rise in prices in Argentina is vodeći some retailers to fix prices in U.S. dollars to avoid constant repricing, a phenomenon that is also common in Venezuela.

On March 4, President Alberto Fernandez priopćiti the creation of a Latam-wide mechanism to fight inflation. The new mechanism would integrate a clearing system, allowing countries to exchange goods experiencing price hikes for others between Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, and Mexico.

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