Bank of England povećala kamatnu stopu na 0.5%, guverner Andrew Bailey nagovijestio ograničenja plaća

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Bank of England povećala kamatnu stopu na 0.5%, guverner Andrew Bailey nagovijestio ograničenja plaća

Banka Engleske (BOE) podigla je referentnu bankarsku kamatnu stopu u zemlji s 0.25% na 0.5% ovog tjedna kako bi obuzdala divljajuću inflaciju. "Suočavamo se s kompromisom između snažne inflacije i slabljenja rasta", rekao je novinarima guverner britanske središnje banke Andrew Bailey. Nadalje, na pitanje novinara BBC-ja jesu li članovi BOE-a pozivali britanske građane da ne traže povećanje plaća, Bailey je odgovorio: "Uopšteno govoreći, da."

BOE podiže stope po drugi put od početka pandemije Covid-19, guverner britanske središnje banke kaže 'Moramo vidjeti suzdržanost u pregovaranju o plaćama'

Engleska banka je raised the benchmark interest rate again after raising the rate back in December. BOE was the first major central bank to raise rates after the pandemic and on Thursday, the rate was bumped again from 0.25% to 0.5%. The British central bank’s move follows hawkish statements stemming from the U.S. Federal Reserve when it said it would raise rates “soon.” Fed chairman Jerome Powell signaled that the rates would likely be increased in mid-March 2022.

Following the BOE’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting, the bank disclosed that four out of the nine committee members wanted to bump the rate to 0.75%. However, the majority of committee members, including governor Andrew Bailey, voted to increase the benchmark rate to 0.5% instead. After the increase, the British pound tapped a two-year high against the euro, and British government bonds were sold off during the afternoon trading sessions on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the central bank of England envisions inflation peaking in April to 7.25% even with the recent bank rate increase. Moreover, Bailey told the press that the public should not expect a marathon of benchmark rate increases. “We face a trade-off between strong inflation and weakening growth,” Bailey stressed to reporters. While explaining that the rate hikes would not continue for an extended period of time, Bailey was pitanje about the British working class by a BBC reporter.

“We are looking to see quite clear restraint in the bargaining process because otherwise, it will get out of control,” Bailey objašnjen in an interview on BBC Radio 4. “I’m not saying nobody gets a pay rise, don’t get me wrong, but I think, what I’m saying is, we do need to see restraint in pay bargaining.” The BBC reporter then asked the BOE governor if the British working class should stop demanding higher wages and Baily responded: “broadly, yes.” Bailey’s remarks continued when he said:

“To je bolno. Ne želim ni u kom smislu zasladiti tu poruku. To je bolno. Ali to moramo vidjeti kako bismo brže prošli kroz ovaj problem.”

Bivši član Odbora za monetarnu politiku BOE: 'Radnicima u javnom sektoru su zamrznute plaće desetljeće'

Profesor Dartmouth Collegea Danny Blanchflower, bivši član Odbora za monetarnu politiku (MPC) BOE-a od 2006. do 2009., rekao je na Twitteru da guverner Andrew Bailey nije bio upoznat. „Kao što stvarne plaće postaju jako negativne Clueless Bailey govori radnicima da su oni krivi [i] da moraju dobiti nižu plaću iako neće,“ Blanchflower Tweetano. "Radnicima u javnom sektoru su zamrznute plaće za desetljeće torijevske vladavine kakav je ovo svijet - vrijeme je da mu radnici kažu da se izgubi."

Dopustite mi da u jednom grafikonu pokažem zašto je odluka MPC-a katastrofa - evo stope zaposlenosti u studenom 2021.
Puna zaposlenost, usko tržište rada moj šešir

— Profesor Danny Blanchflower, ekonomist i ribar (@D_Blanchflower) Veljače 3, 2022 analyst Neil Wilson also criticized Bailey’s statements about not asking for wage increases. “The governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, says we can do our bit to help to battle rising inflation by not asking for wage increases,” Wilson napisao. “Coming from someone who’s been sleeping at the controls for the last 18 months, that is not exactly helpful. How about doing your job? By which I mean getting a grip on inflation before it sets in – which would have been to gently tighten last summer. Too bad that moment was lost.”

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