Bitcoin Hashrate rete wo malgre Hashprice tonbe nan nivo istorik

By Bitcoinist - 10 mwa de sa - Lekti Tan: 2 minit

Bitcoin Hashrate rete wo malgre Hashprice tonbe nan nivo istorik

Done montre la Bitcoin mining hashrate has remained at high levels recently, despite the hashprice observing a deep plunge.

Bitcoin Hashrate Has Continued To Be Near All-Time Highs Recently

"Lanmin hashrate” refers to the total computing power currently connected to the Bitcoin blockchain. The metric is measured in terms of hashes per second, where “hashes” refer to calculations that miners have to make.

Lè valè endikatè sa a ap monte, minè yo ap konekte plis forè min nan rezo a. Tandans sa yo ka endike ke validateur chèn sa yo kounye a jwenn pyès monnen an atire pou mwen.

Nan lòt men an, valè metrik la diminye sijere kèk minè dekonekte soti nan blockchain la, pètèt paske yo pa fè okenn pwofi.

Koulye a, isit la se yon tablo ki montre kouman mwayèn 7 jou a Bitcoin mining hashrate has changed during the past year:

Kòm graf ki anwo a montre, mwayèn 7 jou a Bitcoin mining hashrate has registered some growth recently and has set a new all-time high (ATH). Since the crash, the metric has dropped slightly, but its value remains near ATH levels.

Enteresan, endikatè a te rete nan gwo valè sa yo menm si pri a te pran yon frape dènyèman, kòm manadjè kominote CryptoQuant Netherlands Maartunn te genyen. vize deyò sou X.

The “hashprice” here refers to the amount of daily revenue the miners make corresponding to every hash they handle. From the graph, it’s apparent that the indicator’s value has been on a perpetual downtrend throughout the asset’s history, a consequence of the hashrate trending up during this same period.

Rekonpans blòk yo (ki vle di konpansasyon minè yo resevwa pou rezoud blòk yo) sou rezo a rete prèske konstan, kidonk kèlkeswa kantite hashrate ki konekte ak rezo a, revni total minè yo p ap bouje, men pito pataje yo ta. dwe afekte.

Se poutèt sa, kòm plis hashrate te vini sou entènèt akòz konpetisyon an ogmante nan espas la, hashprice la te toujou ap diminye. Metris la montre devyasyon lokal yo de tan zan tan, men, e sa yo anjeneral koresponn ak rasanbleman ak aksidan.

The metric is measured in dollars, so it makes sense that the BTC price going up or down would also affect the indicator’s value. Recently, as Bitcoin gen te fè aksidan, so has the hashprice, and the metric’s value is now around an all-time low.

Malgre minè yo fè revni istorikman ba pa hash kounye a, yo poko siyifikativman dekonekte pouvwa nan rezo a. Li pa sèten si sa a pral rete menm jan an nan jou kap vini yo, men si li fè sa, li ta ka yon siy ke minè yo gen espwa sou rezilta a alontèm nan cryptocurrency a, kidonk yo pa wè anpil rezon pou dekonekte jis ankò. .


Nan moman sa a ekri, Bitcoin se komès nan anviwon $ 26,100, moute 1% nan semèn pase a.

Sous orijinal: Bitcoinse