Bitcoin Disiapkan Untuk Volatilitas Luar Biasa Saat Media Pemerintah China Memperingatkan BTC Bisa Hancur Sampai Nol

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Bitcoin Disiapkan Untuk Volatilitas Luar Biasa Saat Media Pemerintah China Memperingatkan BTC Bisa Hancur Sampai Nol

Harga bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has gyrated in recent days as investors remain wary due to recession fears. A Monday mini-rally had BTC perched kembali di atas $ 20,000 tetapi sapi jantan terus kehilangan cengkeramannya.

Cryptocurrency terbesar di dunia mengalami penurunan singkat di bawah penghalang simbolis $20,000 karena crypto menghadapi musim dingin yang keras.

Sementara itu, outlet media milik pemerintah China, the Harian Ekonomi, is warning investors that the ongoing meltdown could drive the price of bitcoin ke nol.

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Beberapa bulan terakhir telah kacau untuk aset digital. Perusahaan Crypto Celsius, Babel Finance, dan Three Arrows semakin mendekati kebangkrutan sementara yang lain seperti Gemini dan Coinbase telah memberhentikan beberapa staf mereka untuk mengatasi masa-masa sulit.

In a renewed sell-off Wednesday, bitcoin shed 6.09% of its value over the past 24 hours to hover around $20,129, while Ethereum fell over 7%. The combined market cap of all cryptos currently stands at $912 billion, up 1.88% on the day. That’s noticeably a far cry from roughly 7 months ago when the crypto market cap mencapai $ 3 triliun.

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Menurut Harian Ekonomi, pasar beruang saat ini pasti akan memburuk. Outlet milik Partai Komunis China mengatakan cryptocurrency pemimpin tidak memiliki nilai intrinsik dan pada akhirnya akan menjadi tidak berharga karena investor kehilangan kepercayaan dan lebih banyak negara berdaulat menyatakannya ilegal, South China Morning Post dilaporkan.

The Beijing regime outlet also believes the crypto market is riddled with “manipulation and pseudo-technology concepts”. The latest warning reflects the Chinese government’s staunch anti-crypto stance against cryptocurrencies. The nation banned all bitcoin mining activities in May 2021, which led to miners migrating to other friendlier jurisdictions in droves. 

Selain penambangan, lembaga keuangan dan teknologi pemerintah nasional China juga menyatakan semua transaksi terkait kripto melanggar hukum. Namun, larangan total terhadap teknologi terdesentralisasi terbukti sia-sia.

Grafik bitcoin mining prohibition, which once led to a 50% slump in the BTC network global hash rate, could not completely kill the mining industry in the nation. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly, depending on whom you ask), China is back at the second spot after the U.S. in terms of contribution to the BTC mining network as underground mining operations flourish.

Sumber asli: ZyCrypto