Bitcoin Songsheet: Bagaimana Pendidikan Menjadi Sumber Nilai Fiat

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 tahun lalu - Waktu Membaca: 9 menit

Bitcoin Songsheet: Bagaimana Pendidikan Menjadi Sumber Nilai Fiat

Modern educational institutions are mere shells of the learning centers they once were as a result of fiat incentives.

Ini adalah editorial opini oleh Jimmy Song, a Bitcoin pengembang, pendidik dan pengusaha dan programmer dengan lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman.

Perguruan tinggi adalah penipuan.

Colleges don't sell education, but an upper class lifestyle for four years. Like most things in the fiat economy, they bring consumption forward through loans like that car that you can get with no money down or the Jack LaLane Power Juicer you can get for four easy payments of $49.99. Instead of earning money first and then getting what you paid for, college offers four years of hedonistic indulgence which you then have to pay off. What was once an investment has been debased to a consumer good.

At best, colleges offer the exciting prospect of becoming a cog in a corporate machine. They teach rent-seeking skills like political posturing, acceptable narrative regurgitation and if you go to business school, Machiavellian backstabbing. For those lucky enough to climb the status ladder, their hope is to be a Cantillionaire, suckling at the teat of the central bank. They're auditioning to be celebrity hanger-ons with less glamor.

Kebohongan Perguruan Tinggi

There's a polite fiction at play that college is a way to find yourself, to mature and to become a productive citizen. Yet all evidence is that the enterprise is a status game, where people who aren't upper class fake it 'till they make it. These are the people college serves the least and like most fiat institutions, exploits the poor and middle class for the profit of the rent-seekers.

Hal terbaik yang dapat diharapkan oleh orang-orang non-kelas atas adalah lulus ke kelas pencari sewa. Mereka juga bisa mendapatkan posisi administratif menipu keluarga kelas menengah dari ratusan ribu dolar dan menyebarkan kebohongan bahwa perguruan tinggi adalah kunci kekayaan.

The worst outcome is a lifetime of debt slavery as an NPC zombie. Student loans are not discharged in bankruptcy, so it's a particularly onerous burden, like the monetary equivalent of weighing 400 pounds. Being in significant debt creates terrible incentives politically, as socialism starts looking much more attractive. The unfortunate result is that we have the monetary equivalent of zombies who vote for whatever will give them relief from their economic burden.

Tetapi akhir yang mengerikan dari semua orang yang tidak berhasil itu dapat dimengerti bukan di bidang pemasaran. Perguruan tinggi menjual akses ke kehidupan yang baik, gaya hidup kelas atas, yang dalam perekonomian kita adalah orang-orang yang telah memanfaatkan Efek Cantillon. Sama seperti altcoiner, mereka menjual harapan kepada orang-orang yang ingin mencari rente. Saya dapat menginvestasikan $200,000 sekarang dan mendapatkan penghasilan pasif? Daftarkan aku!

Like altcoiners, they don't deliver on their promise and the stats bear this out. Just 45% of students graduate after four years and only 65% graduate after six years.

Pendidikan Tradisional

Bagaimana kita berakhir di sini? Di mana letak kesalahan pendidikan tinggi?

The answer, as readers of this column can probably guess, is fiat money. There are many ways in which fiat money affects education, but let's look at two: universal education and student loans.

The first is an outcome of the progressive era, which brought about such wonderful things as the income tax and the Federal Reserve. Universal education was the idea that every child should have the opportunity to learn. This is a great sentiment, and one that civilization should aspire to, but the problem wasn't the intention. The problem was who was running it and how it was executed.

Pemerintah memberikan dirinya sendiri monopoli pendidikan, dan seperti kebanyakan hal yang dilakukannya tanpa persaingan, itu mengacaukannya lebih buruk daripada Hollywood mengacaukan aktor anak-anak. Monopoli tetap ada karena momentum birokrasi yang dibiayai oleh pencetak uang.

Perintah Moral Uang Fiat

The existence of the money printing machine is both a boon and a curse for governments. It's a boon because they can steal money from everyone else for whatever purpose they desire. It's a curse because there is now a moral imperative to solve all societal problems. It's like the idea that Superman is a jerk because he's not constantly rescuing people. The money printer makes the government Superman.

If the government can print money to fix injustice, it's hard to justify not fixing it, especially in a democracy. Education is seen as a way to provide equal opportunity, so the government had to keep trying, no matter how badly it failed. Like a degenerate gambler that keeps doubling down, they keep throwing more funding. And they provide this funding as they do everything in a central-bank-backed fiat monetary system: through loans. And thus colleges were turned into rent-seeking institutions by subsidization of student loans.

Sebuah kelas birokrat besar pencari sewa mengambil keuntungan dari uang ini, tumbuh seperti spesies invasif untuk mencekik apa saja dan segala sesuatu di jalannya.

Fiat money grows the educational industrial complex as it does the health care industrial complex and the military industrial complex. Industrial complex is a synonym for rent-seeking outgrowth that's difficult or impossible to remove.

Penyebab dan Korelasi yang Membingungkan

Karena semakin banyak orang terdidik, ketidakpuasan dengan peluang dalam ekonomi menyebabkan fokus pada perguruan tinggi. Perguruan tinggi untuk waktu yang lama, merupakan usaha kelas atas dan tidak mengherankan, mereka yang melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi memiliki pendapatan yang lebih tinggi.

Korelasi antara pendapatan dan perguruan tinggi selalu berbaur dengan latar belakang keluarga peserta, tetapi itu diabaikan untuk narasi yang disukai. Perguruan tinggi menjadi alasan orang miskin tidak kaya.

Kecemburuan kelas dan kecenderungan umum dalam demokrasi untuk menyamakan menyebabkan pendanaan publik pendidikan perguruan tinggi melalui pinjaman mahasiswa. Mempropagandakan orang miskin, mereka menyalahkan pendidikan sebagai alasan utama kegagalan ekonomi. Kurangnya pendidikan menjadi kambing hitam yang nyaman daripada ketidakadilan efek Cantillon.

Once again, the moral imperative of fiat money came into play. Taxing the public to fund college education would be called what it is: wealth redistribution from poor people to rich people. But doing the same thing through fiat money printing, aka student loans, obscures the wealth redistribution aspect. The focus goes toward the intention, which is to equalize opportunity and indeed, that's the basis by which these loan programs were sold to the public.

Perguruan Tinggi Menjadi Barang Konsumen

Student loans made college way more expensive as any analysis of college tuition costs over time makes clear. An increase in the supply of money and a relatively fixed supply of colleges meant that tuition skyrocketed. What's remarkable is how the additional revenue didn't go into professors or even research, but to administrators.

I remember going to my alma mater about 10 years ago and seeing a building that was new. It was a beautiful collegiate gothic building and I imagine it was expensive. I was shocked to see what the name of the building was: The Law School Administration Building. The building didn't hold classes or house students or even a cafeteria. The building was for a bunch of busybodies.

Pertumbuhan kelas birokrasi terlihat jelas dalam grafik biaya kuliah dan administrator perguruan tinggi yang dipekerjakan dari waktu ke waktu. Birokrat itu seperti rayap. Mereka mengkonsumsi dan menghancurkan.

Menggembungnya kelas pencari sewa berarti bahwa perguruan tinggi mulai lebih fokus untuk membuat orang masuk daripada mendidik mereka. Tidak mengherankan, cara termudah untuk melakukannya adalah membuat pengalaman itu jauh lebih menyenangkan dan menarik. Beginilah cara kuliah menjadi liburan 4 tahun.

Education Under A Bitcoin Standar

It's worth thinking about what Bitcoin does to the education system. College costs are bloated as a result of too much money being pumped in through student loans. When that spigot of money stops, what will education look like?

The first thing to consider is that college is a recent phenomenon. It's only in the last hundred years or so that college has become something most people strove for. Prior to that, education was much more a private affair. Families would hire tutors or send their children to private schools.

A Bitcoin standard will lead to a return to a similar system. With more competition and different ways to educate, clear winners will emerge and the most effective, best ROI education systems will proliferate.

To some degree that's already happening with boot camps and charter schools. A Bitcoin standard will let the market choose rather than the government. Status will not be intimately tied to education as it is now and there will be a decoupling of jobs from their prestige. There are all manner of trade school jobs like welding or plumbing which pay handsomely but aren't well regarded because of their "low" level of education.

Second, there will still be a market for colleges, though there will be a lot fewer of them. Schools cannot continue to support a large bureaucracy without the student loans funding them, so I expect many colleges to fail. The good schools will show good ROI and keep the rent-seeking to a minimum. They'll be far less able to exploit the poor and middle class because the main weapon of student loans won't be there. Bitcoin takes away the monetary equivalent of sugary, processed, carb-heavy foods and we're likely to see a lot less 400 pound people.

Because the loans won't be there, families that want their children to go to college will save up Bitcoin to pay for it. They're likely to be a lot more discerning since the money was earned and saved. In other words, Bitcoin fixes the economic incentives and that will stop the exploitation of colleges.

Kumpulan Nilai Baru

Sistem pendidikan fiat saat ini melayani orang-orang yang berkuasa melalui uang fiat. Nilai-nilai yang mereka dorong adalah perburuan rente, perbudakan utang, dan penerimaan propaganda. Kebanyakan anak menjalani setidaknya 12 tahun indoktrinasi tentang mengapa sistem saat ini baik dan tidak perlu dipertanyakan lagi. Perguruan tinggi melanjutkan indoktrinasi ini dengan kegilaan Keynesian dan permainan status Cantillon.

It's no wonder we've got an anxious population. They're all forced into status games which are naturally zero-sum. There's a large chance they come out on the short end of the stick and it's a miracle that many break out of the fiat status game and create goods and services needed by the market.

Bitcoin changes education because it won't be a moral imperative of the government anymore. Education will take on the values of the free market instead of a centralized government. We'll see more self-sovereignty, personal responsibility and entrepreneurship which will build up civilization instead of tearing it down.

We've been under the fiat standard in education for so long that it's hard to see that we can have a different system. Yet with Bitcoin, a different system is not only possible, but inevitable. The current educational industrial complex will soon be too large to sustain itself. There will no longer be enough suckers that buy into its promises. At that point, something will change.

Sama seperti altcoin, saya menunggu hari ketika penipuan ini akhirnya berakhir.

Empat Belas Alasan Anda Benar-Benar Pergi Ke Perguruan Tinggi

In order to learn how to write 20 pages without saying anything.Because you were always secretly jealous of the people who were fans of a sports team (not applicable if you went to an Ivy League or tech school).In order to socialize with people of your own race that have similar SAT scores.Because going out to the real world and having to provide a good or service people wanted was too scary.In order to become an underaged alcoholic.You didn't understand that loans actually had to be paid back.You were tired of the discipline being imposed on you and wanted the freedom to gain the Freshman Fifteen ... or the Senior Sixty.You were excited at the prospect of romantic encounters, which in practice is watching porn every night.Because you wanted to borrow a four year vacation against 40 years of soul sucking corporate slavery.To meet actual smart and motivated people so you could ride their coattails. Because you wanted to spend four years indulging your narcissism.You are suffering from 12 years of Stockholm Syndrome.Because of the sunk cost fallacy.All your friends were doing it, and you didn't want to be the loser who didn't.

Ini adalah posting tamu oleh Jimmy Song. Pendapat yang diungkapkan sepenuhnya milik mereka sendiri dan tidak mencerminkan pendapat BTC Inc atau Bitcoin majalah.

Sumber asli: Bitcoin majalah