Pengingat: Tarik Uang Anda Bitcoin Off Exchange

By Bitcoin Majalah - 1 tahun lalu - Waktu Membaca: 3 menit

Pengingat: Tarik Uang Anda Bitcoin Off Exchange

Needless to say, as it stands today and has stood since the first bitcoin exchange was launched, your bitcoin is not safe on the exchanges.

Di bawah ini adalah kutipan langsung dari Marty's Bent Edisi #1207: “Reminder to get your bitcoin off the exchange" Daftar untuk buletin di sini.

(melalui Marty Bento)

Coinbase menjatuhkan laporan pendapatan hari ini dan dengan itu muncul bahasa baru di 10-Q mereka tentang klaim hukum yang dimiliki pengguna ritel jika terjadi peristiwa kebangkrutan. Bereaksi terhadap peraturan baru dari SEC, Coinbase harus menambahkan bahasa yang mengomunikasikan bahwa pengguna ritel platform mereka dapat memiliki aset mereka yang disimpan di bursa yang diberikan sebagai properti dari harta pailit, jika terjadi kebangkrutan.

Brian Armstrong, CEO Coinbase, tekan saja Twittersphere dengan utas panjang yang meyakinkan dunia bahwa klausul ini ditambahkan ke pengungkapan karena aturan SEC yang baru, mereka berharap dapat memberikan jaminan yang sama kepada klien ritel seperti yang dinikmati oleh pelanggan Utama dan Penitipan mereka, dan bahwa hal seperti ini belum pernah diadili di pengadilan dan bahwa itu kecil kemungkinannya pemerintah akan menganggap properti pengguna sebagai milik Coinbase. Mungkin Paman Marty Anda agak gila, tapi menurut saya argumennya tidak terlalu meyakinkan. Apalagi mengingat fakta bahwa pemerintah diketahui menyita aset warga Amerika di masa lalu. ‘Perintah Eksekutif Anggota 6102?

Needless to say, as it stands today and has stood since the first bitcoin exchange was launched, your bitcoin is not safe on the exchanges. Bitcoin exchanges represent third parties that are single points of failure that can succumb to human error, hacks and government coercion. You should eliminate this third-party risk by taking control of your wealth by holding your own keys. Sure, this also comes with some risks. You must have the ability to secure those keys, but there are ways to mitigate single points of failure while holding your keys. Multisignature wallets are a good way to eliminate single points of failure in self custody.

At the very least, you should take possession of your own keys and take the risk of being your own single point of failure because at some point, when bitcoin becomes extremely popular and more widely adopted, governments are going to make like they always have and turn totalitarian. The first things they will target are exchanges. You should operate with this assumption as your base case.

Also, you should take possession of your keys because that's why bitcoin was created in the first place: to enable individuals to hold their own wealth and send and receive it without depending on trusted third parties. You are doing the network a disservice by being lazy. Especially if you subscribe to the theory that bitcoin held on exchanges is re-hypothecated and lent out to traders who actively short bitcoin. Suppressing the price in the process. Holding your keys means less of that activity is harder to do.

Sumber asli: Bitcoin majalah