Jaringan Shiba Inu Mencatat 2,538 Alamat Baru Dalam Sehari, Melampaui Rekor 3 Bulan

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Jaringan Shiba Inu Mencatat 2,538 Alamat Baru Dalam Sehari, Melampaui Rekor 3 Bulan

Shiba Inu (SHIB), cryptocurrency populer yang terinspirasi meme, telah menyaksikan lonjakan luar biasa dalam aktivitas jaringan karena baru-baru ini mencatat jumlah alamat baru yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Berdasarkan data dibagikan oleh analis terkemuka Ali Charts, 2,538 alamat SHIB baru dibuat pada 26 Mei, menandai peningkatan tertinggi dalam tiga bulan.

This surge in address creation has propelled the total number of addresses on Shiba Inu’s Shibarium’s Puppynet testnet to a milestone of over 16 million. The significant growth in network engagement reflects the growing adoption and use of Shiba Inu within the community.

Adopsi dan Aktivitas Jaringan Shiba Inu

Grafik Puppynet dashboard of Shiba Inu reveals that more than 16 million wallet addresses are actively interacting with the network, indicating a vibrant ecosystem. With over 1 million total blocks on the network and an average block time of just five seconds, Shiba Inu’s blockchain demonstrates its efficiency and scalability.

Furthermore, the network has processed a remarkable number of transactions, surpassing 13 million in total. These statistics highlight the increasing popularity and utilization of Shiba Inu within the cryptocurrency space.

Meanwhile, Shiba Inu’s surging network activity is closely aligned with its soaring social metrics. According to data from Lunar Crash, a reputable data aggregator, SHIB ranks among the top 10 coins by social mentions over the past week.

Khususnya, social mention SHIB mencapai 10,240, sedangkan social engagement mencapai 344.8 juta selama seminggu terakhir. Menganalisis kinerja mingguannya, keterlibatan sosial SHIB mengalami peningkatan signifikan sebesar 20.7%, mencapai 2 miliar, sementara total mention tumbuh sebesar 6.5% menjadi 168,000.

Perlu dicatat bahwa token tersebut menarik rata-rata 1,200 kontributor sosial unik per jam, menekankan keterlibatan komunitasnya yang kuat.

Pembaruan Terbaru Di Shibarium

Menurut seorang pejabat pernyataan from Lucie, a key figure in the Shiba Inu’s ecosystem, the highly anticipated launch of Shibarium’s mainnet is expected to take place before the year’s end. Lucie revealed that Shibarium developer Shibarium 1 has speculated a launch date in August, while Shiba Inu lead Shytoshi Kusama predicts a slightly earlier launch pada bulan Juli.

Lucie emphasized the confidence of the Shiba team in the upcoming mainnet launch and highlighted the concerted efforts of multiple teams, including the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). However, the team remains focused on sustainable growth and is not engaging in any promotional tactics. Lucie stated that thorough testing processes and security audits are of utmost importance before the official launch, ensuring the reliability and robustness of the Platform.

Khususnya, terbukti bahwa ekosistem Shiba Inu dengan rajin bekerja menuju peluncuran mainnet yang sukses, memprioritaskan keamanan dan kelangsungan hidup jangka panjang. Seiring kemajuan proyek, para pemangku kepentingan sangat menantikan peluncuran yang akan datang, yang siap memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk masa depan SHIB.

Sementara itu, pasar Shiba Inu (SHIB) telah menunjukkan peningkatan setelah retracement yang signifikan dalam seminggu terakhir. Selama 24 jam terakhir, SHIB telah melonjak 2.2% dengan harga perdagangan $0.00000879.

-Gambar unggulan dari Shutterstock, Bagan dari TradingView

Sumber asli: NewsBTC