$110,000,000,000 Bank Seized by Regulators To Send Anti-Crypto Message, Says Former Congressman Barney Frank

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$110,000,000,000 Bank Seized by Regulators To Send Anti-Crypto Message, Says Former Congressman Barney Frank

Former Democratic congressman from Massachusetts Barney Frank suspects Signature Bank may have been taken over by regulators to send an “anti-crypto message.”

Fjármálaþjónustudeild New York fylkis shuttered Signature on Sunday after customers withdrew $10 billion worth of deposits on Friday.

The state regulator appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to run a “bridge bank” holding all of Signature’s assets.

The FDIC plans to market the financial institution to potential bidders and segir it will protect all of Signature’s depositors, noting that the bank’s customers all still have access to their money.

Frank, who is also a Signature board member tells CNBC that the bank’s issues were “purely contagion” from the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank last week.

Frank also claims there was “no real objective reason” regulators needed to take over the crypto-friendly financial institution.

„Ég held að hluti af því sem gerðist hafi verið að eftirlitsaðilar vildu senda mjög sterk andstæðingur-dulkóðunarskilaboð. Við urðum veggspjaldstrákurinn vegna þess að það var ekkert gjaldþrot byggt á grundvallaratriðum.“

Over the weekend, the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department tilkynnt they would make up to $25 billion available as loans for financial institutions to alleviate liquidity pressures and meet the needs of their depositors.

Ekki missa af takti - Gerast áskrifandi til að fá dulritunarpóstviðvaranir afhentar beint í pósthólfið þitt

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The staða $110,000,000,000 Bank Seized by Regulators To Send Anti-Crypto Message, Says Former Congressman Barney Frank birtist fyrst á The Daily Hodl.

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