Argentínu-undirstaða Mobile Wallet App Belo bætir við Lightning netstuðningi í gegnum Opennode

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Argentínu-undirstaða Mobile Wallet App Belo bætir við Lightning netstuðningi í gegnum Opennode

On Monday, January 10, the Argentina-based mobile wallet company Belo announced that the platform has added support for the Lightning Network by partnering with the bitcoin payment processor and infrastructure provider Opennode. The mobile application allows users to trade and transact in pesos and now users can transact with bitcoin payments going forward.

Belo er í samstarfi við Opennode, kynnir Lightning Network Support

Belo, the Argentine mobile wallet application founded by Manuel Beaudroit aims to “create a bridge” between the crypto world and life in pesos. On Monday, the company announced it has partnered with the bitcoin (BTC) greiðslumiðlun Opinn hnútur and the application will support the Lightning Network. The Belo application is available for iOS and Android smartphones and it also supports ethereum and a few stablecoins pegged to the U.S. dollar.

„Samstarf okkar við Opennode er ótrúlega mikilvægt fyrir notendur okkar,“ sagði Manuel Beaudroit, forstjóri Belo í yfirlýsingu. „Markmið okkar er að sífellt fleiri læri og upplifi möguleika og ávinning dulritunargjaldmiðla fyrir daglegt líf, daglega og á einfaldan hátt. Með Belo þurfa notendur aðeins einn pesóa til að byrja að leggja inn peninga og kaupa dulmál á þann hátt sem er nothæfur og aðgengilegur öllum eldri en 13 ára, óháð kaupmætti ​​þeirra.

Opennode Executive Looks Forward to ‘Millions of People in Latin America’ Accessing Bitcoin

Belo wallet launched in 2020 and Latin American residents have been able to obtain crypto assets via the mobile application and a Mastercard. The startup’s vefsíðu. insists that anyone above the age of 13 can use the Belo mobile wallet application, and either pay in pesos or cryptocurrencies.

Opennode’s head of growth, Julie Landrum, explained during the announcement that the company looks forward to giving Latin American’s more choices in finance. “We’re incredibly excited about Opennode’s integration with the Belo App, as this means millions of people in Latin America will have the ability to transact instantly in bitcoin, furthering adoption in a region where bitcoin growth is exploding,” Landrum remarked.

At the time of writing, there is over 3,200 BTC locked in the Lightning Network or $136.6 million. The Lightning Network’s total value locked (TVL) is 36.79% lower than it was on November 8, 2021, when it reached $216.13 million.

Hvað finnst þér um að Belo App gangi í samstarf við Opennode og samþættir Lightning Network? Láttu okkur vita hvað þér finnst um þetta efni í athugasemdahlutanum hér að neðan.

Upprunaleg uppspretta: Bitcoin. Með