"Bitcoin Jesus’ Roger Ver On Why Dogecoin (DOGE) Is Superior To BTC

By Bitcoinist - fyrir 2 árum - Lestrartími: 2 mínútur

"Bitcoin Jesus’ Roger Ver On Why Dogecoin (DOGE) Is Superior To BTC

Dogecoin has now become a favorite of crypto investors around the world. The meme coin has now grown to the point where it is being pitted against the largest cryptocurrencies in the space. The latest comparison comes from Roger Ver, who is famously known as the ‘Bitcoin Jesus’. Roger has put forward that he believes that Dogecoin is superior to bitcoin, the pioneer cryptocurrency, and he shares his thoughts on why this is so.

Dogecoin er betra

Ver had been among the very first advocates for Bitcoin, advocacy that had earned him the title of ‘Bitcoin Jesus.’ The bitcoin supporter had taken a social media break last year but has now come back into the spotlight with surprising thoughts on various cryptocurrencies.

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Þetta kemur eftir að milljarðamæringurinn Elon Musk hafði séð tilboð sitt um að kaupa Twitter fengið. Í nýlegri viðtal, hafði hann deilt hugsunum sínum um yfirtökuna sem voru að mestu jákvæðar fyrir Ver sem útskýrði að Musk myndi gera samfélagsmiðilinn meira aðlaðandi fyrir notendur.

DOGE jafnar sig í $0.13 | Heimild: DOGEUSD á TradingView.com

Surprisingly though, Ver emerged from his social media hiatus as a Dogecoin supporter. It seems that Ver is now turning into a Dogecoin maximalist, a cryptocurrency that he said was better than bitcoin. Not only is Ver now supporting the meme coin, but he also explained that “It’s cheaper and more reliable. If I had to pick three contenders [for the world’s dominant cryptocurrency, they would be Doge, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash.” This, in his eyes, makes it “significantly better” than Bitcoin.

Not Supporting Bitcoin

Ver is vocal about the fact that he no longer supports Bitcoin. He explained that this is because the digital asset had veered away from its original purpose. In its stead, Ver has now shifted his focus to other cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin and Bitcoin Reiðufé.

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He had been one of the earliest in the space as he had founded the popular Blockchain.com and was an investor in both BitPay and Ripple. Alongside losing support for Bitcoin, Ver has also said that he is not a fan of popular bitcoin advocates like MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michale Saylor.

This does not mean that Ver is no longer a supporter of cryptocurrencies though. He explained that he still remains a crypto whale, investing in a wide array of cryptocurrencies. However, he denies ever being a Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash maximalist at any point in time.

Valin mynd frá Investment Executive, graf frá TradingView.com

Upprunaleg uppspretta: Bitcoiner