Bitcoin Miners Suffer Over $1 Billion Loss In Q2 2022

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Bitcoin Miners Suffer Over $1 Billion Loss In Q2 2022

After incurring a number of impairment losses brought on by the decline in cryptocurrency prices, the three biggest US publicly traded Bitcoin mining companies lost more than US$1 billion in the second quarter.

Bitcoin Miners In Deep Red

In the three months that ended June 30, Core Scientific Inc., Marathon Digital Holdings Inc., and Riot Blockchain Inc. all reported net losses of US$862 million, US$192 million, and US$366 million, respectively. Following the approximately 60% decline in the price of Bitcoin during the quarter, other large miners such Bitfarms Ltd. and Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc., which released results on Monday, were also obliged to write down the value of their holdings.

Heimild: Bloomberg

Although there has been some relief in recent weeks for the shares of cryptocurrency mining companies, they remain significantly negative. In order to pay off debt and meet operating expenses in the most recent quarter, the miners were forced to sell some of the Bitcoin they had been hoarding. Through the third quarter, that persisted.

Ekki bara námuverkamennirnir höfðu mikið tap á síðasta ársfjórðungi; aðrir aðilar í greininni líka. Stærsta bandaríska cryptocurrency kauphöllin, Coinbase Global Inc., tilkynnti um tap upp á 1.1 milljarð Bandaríkjadala og MicroStrategy Inc. tapaði einnig meira en 1 milljarði Bandaríkjadala.

Helstu opinberu námumenn námu 3,900 mynt í júní, en seldu 14,600 þeirra, að sögn Mellerud. Í júní seldi Core Scientific um það bil 80% af myntunum sínum til að greiða rekstrarkostnað og styðja við vöxt.

Til að vera gjaldþrota eru námumennirnir að selja eignir sínar og námuvélar og taka á sig meiri skuldir. Marathon stækkaði fyrri lánalínu sína um 100 milljónir Bandaríkjadala í júlí með því að endurfjármagna hana með nýju 100 milljóna Bandaríkjadala tímaláni frá dulritunargjaldmiðilsvæna bankanum Silvergate Capital Corp. Auk þess seldi námumaðurinn námubúnað sinn fyrir 58 milljónir Bandaríkjadala. Með B. Riley Principal Capital II hefur Core Scientific skrifað undir sameiginlegan hlutabréfakaupasamning fyrir 100 milljónir Bandaríkjadala.

Public corporations with significant Bitcoin holdings on their balance sheets have been warned by the US Securities and Exchange Commission not to exclude price fluctuations when reporting results. Losses are not realized until the tokens are actually sold.

Featured image from Getty Images, chart from TradingView, and Bloomberg

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