Bitcoin Sentiment Wavers As Crypto Fear and Greed Index in ‘Extreme Fear’ Territory

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Bitcoin Sentiment Wavers As Crypto Fear and Greed Index in ‘Extreme Fear’ Territory

The Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index (FGI) has dropped to a value of 11, indicating “extreme fear” amidst a sharp plummet in the crypto market.

Hræðslu- og græðgivísitalan er notuð til að meta viðhorf fjárfesta til markaðarins, þar sem 0 gefur til kynna mikinn ótta og 100 gefur til kynna mikla græðgi.

Steypa Bitcoin

The past few weeks have not been the most favorable for Bitcoin as it has been struggling to steady itself in the $40k zone for a while now. In the past 7 days, the asset has plummeted by 20 percent, dropping from its $38.9k peak last Monday to a current value of $28.9k as of press time.

This has apparently triggered a panic in the crypto space with several investors capitulating to salvage whatever they can from their funds, leading to the FGI value of 11. The last time the FGI hit this value was January 23 this year when Bitcoin closed the previous day with a value of $35k. The values were 28 (fear) and 30 (fear) last week and last month respectively.

Þessi lækkun niður í 28 þúsund Bandaríkjadali kemur nokkrum dögum eftir að Seðlabanki Bandaríkjanna upplýsti, í gegnum Jerome Powell, stjórnarformann sinn, að hann myndi hækka viðmiðunarvexti sína um 0.5 prósentustig – hæsta hækkun í 22 ár – til að berjast gegn vaxandi verðbólgu sem hefur náð hámarki. 8.5% allra tíma.

Early June last year was the last time Bitcoin dipped to $33k after weeks of attempts to bounce back from a downtrend that began the previous month. The asset went on to reach a $29,800 price towards the close of the month before rising to a peak of $67k in early November of last year.

Allur dulritunarmarkaðurinn hefur lækkað um 5.28% á síðasta sólarhring

Í viðbót við Bitcoin, most other digital assets including Ethereum, BNB, LUNA, and SOL have respectively seen some sharp declines in the past seven days, with Ethereum down by 26%, BNB by 25%, LUNA by a massive 99%, and SOL seeing a decline of 41%.

Allur dulritunarmarkaðurinn hefur á undanförnum 24 klukkustundum lækkað um 6% í samanlagt markaðsvirði upp á $1.2 trilljón á meðan markaðsmagnið jókst um 3.18% að verðmæti $102 milljarðar, sem gefur til kynna að fjármunir séu að flytja út af dulritunarmarkaðnum.

Market tracking platform Glassnode reveals that the number of Bitcoin whales appears to be decreasing. Chris Kline, co-founder, and chief operating officer of Bitcoin IRA, said he believes one of the causes of the crash in the crypto market is the fact that investors are looking for “safer grounds” as they weigh other investing options amidst the interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve.

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