Miða-Afríkulýðveldisútsala til hægfara upphafs — 1.26 milljónir dala safnað á innan við 5 dögum

By Bitcoin.com - fyrir 1 ári - Lestrartími: 2 mínútur

Miða-Afríkulýðveldisútsala til hægfara upphafs — 1.26 milljónir dala safnað á innan við 5 dögum

The Central African Republic’s token sale appeared to have gotten to a slow start after less than 13 million out of the 210 million Sango coins were sold since the commencement of the sale on July 25. The country has claimed its decision to adopt bitcoin has won praise from “other African countries exploring the possibilities of adopting a similar system.”

Rúmlega 1.2 milljónir dala safnast síðan sala á tákni hófst

Sagt er að sala á Sango dulmálslykil Mið-Afríkulýðveldisins (CAR), sem hófst 25. júlí, hafi farið rólega af stað og hafa tæplega 13 milljónir mynt verið seldar til þessa. Þar sem upphaflegt söluverð er ákveðið $0.10 á hverja mynt þýðir það að BÍLINN hefur nú safnað um $1.26 milljónum frá því salan hófst, a vefsíðu. rekja merkjasöluna hefur sýnt.

Eins og áður tilkynnt by Bitcoin.com News, investors that wish to acquire their share of the 210 million Sango coins on offer must fork out a minimum of $500. Prospective buyers can pay using BTC or ETH.

Þó að upplýsingar um myntsöluna sem og tæknina sem notuð er til að festa dulritunartáknið séu gruggug, stutt yfirlit released by a team that is promoting the project appeared to address these and other concerns. In the statement, the CAR team starts by addressing reports that the Sango coin is backed by bitcoin. The CAR team said:

SANGO, the coin of the Sango sidechain, will be fractionally backed by Bitcoin, which in simple terms means that the Central African Republic Treasury will consist of a Bitcoin reserve fund.

Being backed by bitcoin, therefore, means “Sango will be able to operate with wrapped Bitcoin (s-BTC) í Sango vistkerfinu.

Sango ónæmur fyrir aftengingarhættu

According to the CAR’s leadership, bitcoin is an “optimal solution for a digital store of value, allowing citizens to democratize money and currency.” The press release also said, “benefits include, partial decentralization and no risks of de-pegs, differentiating SANGO from stablecoins and CBDCs and ensuring that current monetary problems will be surpassed.”

In the press statement, the Sango team acknowledges that while the CAR has received a backlash over its decision to make bitcoin legal tender. However, in the press release, the team claimed the move has attracted the attention of leading figures in the crypto industry like Changpeng Zhao and Michael Saylor.

Í yfirlýsingunni er einnig haldið fram að CAR hafi einnig verið hrósað af „öðrum Afríkuríkjum sem skoða möguleikana á að taka upp svipað kerfi. Hins vegar gefur yfirlýsingin ekki upp nöfn þessara landa.

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