Fidelity segir það sem við höfum verið að hugsa: Lönd og seðlabankar munu kaupa BTC

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Fidelity segir það sem við höfum verið að hugsa: Lönd og seðlabankar munu kaupa BTC

Surprising the world, Fidelity predicts what Bitcoin’s game theory implies. It’s as Satoshi Nakamoto said, “It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on.” That’s the exact same conclusion that Fidelity reaches in its “Research Round-Up: 2021 Trends And Their Potential Future Impact” report. Take into account that Fidelity is a multinational financial services corporation, it doesn’t get more mainstream than this.

I agree with @Fidelity, of course, but still astonishing to read this on Bitcoin adoption game theory in such a mainstream financial report:

— Alex Gladstein (@gladstein) January 13, 2022

What did Fidelity say about Bitcoin adoption at the nation-states and central bank level? 

Þeir orðuðu það mjög skýrt:

“We also think there is very high stakes game theory at play here, whereby if bitcoin ættleiðing eykst, löndin sem tryggja sér nokkur bitcoin today will be better off competitively than their peers. Therefore, even if other countries do not believe in the investment thesis or adoption of bitcoin, they will be forced to acquire some as a form of insurance. In other words, a small cost can be paid today as a hedge compared to a potentially much larger cost years in the future.” 

In other words, It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. And, as Stacy Herbert said, “First mover advantage goes to El Salvador”. At least if we’re talking out in the open, because other countries might be accumulating Bitcoin on the down-low. For example, Venezuela seized a lot of ASICs from private miners. Chances are those are active in a warehouse somewhere. And, of course, there are rumors that the USA is already mining.

Fidelity er einn stærsti eignastýrandi í heimi

Þeir sjá það sem ID-10ts skilja ekki

First mover advantage goes to

Game over for fiat, game on for #bitcoin

— Stacy Herbert (@stacyherbert) January 13, 2022

Hvað sem því líður, hvað ályktar Fidelity?

“We therefore wouldn’t be surprised to see other sovereign nation states acquire bitcoin árið 2022 og jafnvel sjá seðlabanka gera yfirtöku.“

Ef þessir leikmenn gera það á opnum tjöldum mun það líklega koma af stað kapphlaupi eins og enginn annar. Kapphlaup þar sem það verður of áhættusamt að taka ekki þátt í. 

Speaking About Bitcoin Mining…

Fidelity’s report summarized 2021, it goes through most of the major stories that NewsBTC has covered ad nauseam. The company doesn’t try to figure out why did China ban Bitcoin mining, but it highlights how fast the hashrate recovered. 

„Endurbati kjötkássahlutfalls á þessu ári var sannarlega ótrúlegur og einn sem við teljum sýna fram á nokkur atriði sem mikilvægt verður að hafa í huga fyrir árið 2022 og síðar.

The Fidelity report also highlighted how well the network responded. “This has now been tested and bitcoin’s network performed perfectly.”

BTC price chart for 01/17/2022 on Eightcap | Source: BTC/USD on What Does Fidelity Say About The Ecosystem In General?

The report wasn’t exclusively about Bitcoin, they also identified the biggest trends in the wide crypto sphere.

“The biggest non-Bitcoin themes put on display this past year included the massive issuance of stablecoins, the maturation of decentralized finance, and the early days of non-fungible tokens.”

Og um þessa þróun spáði Fidelity:

„Vöxturinn í samtengingu milli siled blockchains“

„Hefðbundin fintech fyrirtæki eiga í samstarfi eða byggja upp getu til að hafa samskipti við DeFi samskiptareglur“

„Dögun dreifðra reiknirits stablecoins er formlega hafin. Að bregðast við „vöxtum í eftirspurn eftir skipulegri, miðstýrðum stablecoins.

„Þó að ekki sé vitað um langtímagildi þessara NFT-tækja er líklegt að áhrif aukins stafræns eignarréttar á list, tónlist og efni séu þýðingarmikil í einhverri mynd.“

Almennt séð telur Fidelity að fjárfesting í stafrænum eignum muni halda áfram að vaxa:

“Allocating to digital assets has become far more normalized over the past two years for all investors. The Fidelity Digital Assets 2021 Institutional Investor Survey found that 71% of U.S. and European institutional investors surveyed intend to allocate to digital assets in the future. This number has grown across each individual region of the survey for the past three years, and we expect 2022 to show another year of higher current and future asset allocations to digital assets amongst institutions.” 

Hins vegar þarf eitthvað að gerast til að hvetja til útbreiddrar stofnanaættleiðingar. "Lykillinn að því að leyfa hefðbundnum úthlutunaraðilum að halda áfram að hella fjármagni inn í vistkerfi stafrænna eigna snýst um skýrleika reglugerða og aðgengi."

Is 2022 the year of regulatory clarity? What will happen first, institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies or nation-states adoption of Bitcoin? What central bank will earn first-mover advantage? Burning questions for the year ahead.

Featured Image by Damir Spanic on Unsplash | Charts by TradingView

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