Ríkisstjóri Flórída ætlar að banna CBDC, kallar eftir því að bandalag ríkja fylgi í kjölfarið

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Ríkisstjóri Flórída ætlar að banna CBDC, kallar eftir því að bandalag ríkja fylgi í kjölfarið

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wants to ban central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and is calling on other states to join him.

In a new speech, Governor DeSantis segir he never wants to see Florida have to use a CBDC as a form of money.

“Today, I’m here to call on the legislator to pass legislation to expressly forbid the use of CBDC as money within Florida’s commercial code. This will ensure that Florida continues to be a state that supports innovation in the financial sector through the market while protecting against government surveillance over your personal finances. The legislation shouldn’t stop there.

Given a continued increase in Chinese influence on worldwide affairs and the desire to adopt CBDCs worldwide, the legislation should also prohibit any CBDC issued by a foreign reserve or government-sanctioned central bank. This will ensure that any effort to adopt a worldwide digital currency never occurs in the free state of Florida.”

The Florida Governor and potential 2024 US Presidential candidate then calls on other states like Texas to join Florida’s anti-CBDC movement.

“And finally, I’m calling on like-minded states, like Florida, to adopt similar legislation into their uniform commercial code and to reject any changes to their uniform commercial code that would formally recognize any central bank digital currency.

And I’ve already spoken with the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, the head of the senate in Texas – I do believe Texas is going to do something similar to what Florida does. And if we can get a groundswell of states to say ‘No. We are not going to give over this power to you,’ because ultimately, cash is king.

If you can hold it in your hand, you have power over that. The minute it’s all digitized, somebody else is going to have control over that. And it’s just a matter of whether they are going to let you live your life. Or are they going to decide to do things to circumvent what you want to do?”

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Valin mynd: Shutterstock/Oceloti/Natalia Siiatovskaia

The staða Ríkisstjóri Flórída ætlar að banna CBDC, kallar eftir því að bandalag ríkja fylgi í kjölfarið birtist fyrst á The Daily Hodl.

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