LBank Unveils Third Launchpad, Featuring ACGN Protocol's AIMEME Token

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LBank Unveils Third Launchpad, Featuring ACGN Protocol's AIMEME Token

HongKong, HongKong, November 21st, 2023, Chainwire


LBank, a globally leading cryptocurrency trading platform, is set to make waves in the digital currency space with the official launch of its highly anticipated Launchpad on November 30, 2023. The focal point of this unveiling is the introduction of ACGN Protocol's AIMEME token, representing a significant milestone for LBank following the successful launches of previous Launchpad projects—PINs Network and UMM.

LBank, at the forefront of promoting the globalization of cryptocurrency trading, is reinforcing its commitment through the Launchpad. The platform aims to provide global users with broader opportunities for cryptocurrency investment, contributing to the acceleration of the digital economy's globalization. Recent strategic listings, such as the popular token $Ordi, underscore LBank's dedication to staying in tune with market trends. The AIMEME token sale on LBank Launchpad follows a subscription format. Here are the key details:

Þátttökuskilyrði Launchpad:

·  Users must have engaged in at least one trading activity on LBank during the period.

·  Quotas based on specific snapshot conditions for BTC, ETH, USDT, LBK, XRP, TRX.

Tímalína áskriftar:

·      Holding Calculation Period: November 15, 2023, to November 29, 2023 (UTC)

·      Subscription Period: November 30, 2023, 06:00 to 11:00 (UTC)

·      Calculation Period: November 30, 2023, 11:00 to 13:00 (UTC)

·      Distribution: November 30, 2023, 13:00 (UTC)

 LBank invites eligible users to participate in this limited-time opportunity, contributing to the AIMEME token's initial success on the Launchpad.

AIMEME Project Introduction

AIMEME is the token within the ACGN Protocol ecosystem, a decentralized community focusing on Anime, Comic, Game, and Novel (ACGN) fields. ACGN Protocol strives to provide users with a decentralized ACGN content platform and a robust incentive mechanism for creators and the community. The platform leverages blockchain technology to ensure content transparency, non-tamperability, and fairness, offering users an open and free ACGN cultural experience.

ACGN Protocol gengur lengra en að vera efnisvettvangur; þetta er fjölbreytt stafrænt menningarsamfélag þar sem áhugamenn geta deilt áhugamálum, skipt á reynslu og unnið saman að efnissköpun. Með snjöllum samningum og táknrænum hvatningaraðferðum veitir ACGN bókun sanngjarna hvatningu fyrir framúrskarandi höfunda, sem stuðlar að skapandi þróun alls ACGN samfélagsins.

Kostir AIMEME Token

AIMEME táknið hefur umfangsmikið notagildi innan ACGN bókunar vistkerfisins, sem þjónar ýmsum tilgangi eins og efniskaupum, ábendingum, samfélagskosningu og fleira. Með umtalsverða þakklætismöguleika er AIMEME í stakk búið til að verða eftirsótt fjárfestingarval innan stafræna menningarsviðsins, sem býður notendum rétt á að taka þátt í stjórnunarákvörðunum ACGN-samskiptasamfélagsins.

LBank Launchpad's Strong Market Performance

LBank Launchpad stands out as a platform offering a diverse selection of projects, with a commitment to providing users with a safe and reliable trading environment. The successful launches of previous projects, PINs Network and UMM, attracted significant investor attention and capital, demonstrating the market's recognition of the Launchpad's project quality.

LBank's Launchpad projects, including PINs and UMM, have not only attracted a large number of participants but have also maintained long-term value since their launch. The steady growth and stable returns of these projects highlight the unique appeal of LBank Launchpad, drawing increased attention and capital in the market.

Um LBank

Founded in 2015, LBank stands as one of the world's leading cryptocurrency trading platforms, dedicated to providing users with secure, convenient, and professional cryptocurrency trading services. The introduction of LBank Launchpad signifies further development and innovation for LBank in the blockchain industry.


Hafa samband

PR ManagerEddy [netvarið]

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