“Not Time to Get Too Excited Yet”, Pundit Warns Bitcoin Could Still Face Deeper Correction

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“Not Time to Get Too Excited Yet”, Pundit Warns Bitcoin Could Still Face Deeper Correction

Scott Melker, the host of The Wolf of All Streets podcast and crypto trader, has cautioned investors against getting too excited by Bitcoin’s recent pump, suggesting that the crypto asset could still sökkva neðar.

In a newsletter to more than 800k Twitter followers, the pundit attempted to measure the asset’s “possible bottom” by illustrating five of the worst Bitcoin corrections in history. These included the Nov 2013 – Jan 2015 (-86.9%); Dec 2017 – Dec 2018 (-84.12%); Apr 2013 (-82.65%); June 2019 – Mar 2020 (-72.26%) and the April 2021 – June 2021(-55.95%) bear markets.

According to him, considering Bitcoin’s price has dropped by approximately 76.59% in the past year, it would have to drop another 48.84% to reach April 2013 bear market levels. This would mean $220B, or half of the current Bitcoin market capitalization, being wiped from the market, which he said was “unlikely”.

„Fyrir Bitcoin to go an inch lower than the current bottom at $15,800, it would need to drop 31.2% from current levels. Still a sizeable drop.” Hann bætti við.

Ekki of hratt

The pundit warned investors against getting too excited, commenting on this month’s pump, urging them to drop the “Bitcoin up only” assumption.

"Samt held ég að það sé ekki kominn tími til að verða of spenntur ennþá. Við erum bara í fyrsta mánuði ársins og við vitum að leiðréttingar munu koma og að stærstu rallarnir koma oft á björnamörkuðum,“ sagði hann.

Þann 25. janúar sl. Bitcoin surged as high as $23,800 before tracing its move to settle below the $23,250 resistance.

Að sögn Melker gæti sú mótspyrna verið erfið hindrun fyrir verðið, með gríðarmiklum hrakningum á 4 klukkustunda töflunni sem bendir til þess að svæðið væri „lausafjárgrípa fyrir stuttbuxur“.

„Ég myndi fara varlega,“ tók hann fram og lagði áherslu á að lítið væri hægt að gera nema kerti lokuðu fyrir ofan eða undir þeirri mótstöðu. „Þótt það gerist kannski ekki, er ég enn að leita að leiðréttingu,“ hann hélt áfram.

Bitcoin’s Resilience Is Improving 

Melker noted that Bitcoin had become more resilient over the years, considering the sheer number of catalysts and markaðstengd smit behind its drop compared to other bear markets. He also noted that the pioneer cryptocurrency had attracted a floor of die-hard believers who would increasingly make it harder to drive Bitcoin’s price drastically by offering adequate liquidity.

Í orðum hans;

"If we are being honest with ourselves, we should feel lucky if Bitcoin does not drop more than it did in 2017...The catalysts for this current correction are far more serious. This proves that Bitcoin is strengthening over time and will probably continue to soften its gains and losses in each cycle.

Á fréttatíma Bitcoin (BTC) was exchanging hands at $23,181, up 0.61% in the past 24 hours.

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