Skref-fyrir-skref leiðbeiningar til að krefjast Dymension Genesis Airdrop í gegnum Trust Wallet

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Skref-fyrir-skref leiðbeiningar til að krefjast Dymension Genesis Airdrop í gegnum Trust Wallet

If you’re looking to participate in the Dymension Genesis Rolldrop Airdrop and claim your DYM tokens, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process using Treystu Veski.

By going through this guide, you will understand the significance of Dymension, the airdrop details, and how to check eligibility and claim your rewards securely.

Frá og með deginum í dag hefur yfir ein milljón heimilisföng tækifæri til að taka þátt í Genesis Rolldrop frá Dymension!

Hæfir þátttakendur geta krafist allt að 70M DYM (7% af heildarframboði), innfæddri eign Dymension, til 21. janúar 2024, 12:00 UTC

— Dymension (@dymension) 2. Janúar, 2024

Hvað er Dymension?

Dymension is a layer-1 blockchain utilizing Cosmos and the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol (IBC) for enhanced interoperability across rollup scaling networks.

With the mainnet launch, Dymension introduces DYM, a native asset said to be crucial for security, growth, and supporting applications within the ecosystem.

Introducing DYM

— Dymension (@dymension) 18. Janúar, 2024

Why the Dymension Airdrop Matters

The Dymension Airdrop is an opportunity for eligible users to receive free DYM tokens.

Dymension’s adoption of the IBC protocol makes it unique in the blockchain space, offering users the chance to explore a platform where RollApp creators can select virtual machines, tokens, and share data across various chains.

How to Check Eligibility with Trust Wallet

Install Trust Wallet: Ensure Trust Wallet is installed on your device. Access Your Wallet Address: Open Trust Wallet. Tap the ‘Your Addresses’ icon in the top right corner. Select the relevant crypto asset from the list. The wallet address is copied automatically. Visit Official Website: Farðu til embættismannsins Dymension website í fartækinu þínu. Enter Your Wallet Address: Select the chain you want to check eligibility for: Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos Hub, Celestia, Stride, Osmosis, or Stargaze. Enter your wallet address. The system will verify your eligibility automatically. Source: Screenshot from Kröfuferli: If eligible, follow the instructions to claim your DYM tokens.



TIA delegators as of December 19, 2023, with 1 to 5,000 tokens staked.

Ethereum Layer 2s:

Active addresses on various L2s, assessed based on metrics like bridged amounts and rollup activity.


ATOM and stATOM holders on Cosmos Hub and Stride with 1 to 5,000 tokens staked or held. Osmosis delegators with 10 to 10,000 tokens staked.


Active addresses across Solana protocols like Wormhole, Tensor, and Drip.


Holders of specified NFTs as of December 19, 2023. Tensorians stakers as of December 18, 2023.

Eligible users can claim the Dymension Airdrop until January 21, 2024.

The staða Skref-fyrir-skref leiðbeiningar til að krefjast Dymension Genesis Airdrop í gegnum Trust Wallet birtist fyrst á Cryptonews.

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