Tesla CEO Elon Musk Reveals Why He’s Pro Dogecoin Amid Debate Over Web3, Ethereum, Decentralization

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk Reveals Why He’s Pro Dogecoin Amid Debate Over Web3, Ethereum, Decentralization

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk has explained why he’s pro dogecoin as the debate over web3, Ethereum, and decentralization intensifies. In the same conversation, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey insisted that he is not anti-ETH. “I’m anti-centralized, VC-owned, single point of failure, and corporate-controlled lies,” he stressed.

Elon Musk segir hvers vegna hann er Pro Doge

Elon Musk’s Doge explanation came as he and dogecoin co-creator Billy Markus joined a Twitter thread about web3 and Ehtereum involving Jack Dorsey. The former Twitter CEO vakti áhyggjur this week about web3 being owned by venture capitalists (VCs).

Markus wrote: “My goal is to build stuff and make money and have fun. I’m used to the corporate establishment and don’t really see any meaningful break away from it ~ bitcoin just gives power to new rich people.” Musk svaraði, "Þess vegna er ég atvinnumaður Doge."

In the same thread, Dorsey clarified: “I’m not anti-ETH. I’m anti-centralized, VC-owned, single point of failure, and corporate-controlled lies. If your goal is anti-establishment, I promise you it isn’t Ethereum. Don’t believe or trust me! Just look at the fundamentals.”

Musk og Dorsey lýstu sjálfstætt áhyggjum yfir vef3 í vikunni. Musk tísti: „Ég er ekki að gefa í skyn að web3 sé raunverulegt – virðist vera meira markaðsorð en raunveruleikinn núna. Hann fylgdi síðan eftir með öðru tísti: „Hefur einhver séð web3? Ég finn það ekki." Í byrjun desember, hann skrifaði, "Web3 hljómar eins og bs."

The Tesla boss is a huge supporter of the meme cryptocurrency dogecoin. He is even known in the crypto community as the Dogefather. He personally owns dogecoin in addition to bitcoin og eter.

Musk, who has been named Time Magazine’s Persóna ársins, announced last week that Tesla will accept DOGE for payments. He sees bitcoin sem birgðir af verðmæti and DOGE as the best cryptocurrency for transactions.

In October, Musk revealed a different reason why he decided to support dogecoin. “Lots of people I talked to on the production lines at Tesla or building rockets at Spacex own Doge. They aren’t financial experts or Silicon Valley technologists. That’s why I decided to support Doge — it felt like the people’s crypto,” he útskýrði.

Hvað finnst þér um Dogecoin athugasemd Musk og umræðuna um web3? Láttu okkur vita í athugasemdahlutanum hér að neðan.

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