Af hverju þessir LUNA fjárfestar höfðuðu hópmálsókn gegn Binance.US

By Bitcoinist - fyrir 1 ári - Lestrartími: 4 mínútur

Af hverju þessir LUNA fjárfestar höfðuðu hópmálsókn gegn Binance.US

Samkvæmt skjali Lögð inn with the U.S. District Court of Northern District of California, Binance.US users want compensation for their LUNA-UST investments. The lawsuit has been filed as a class action in the United States against Binance.US and its CEO Brian Shroder.

Svipuð læsing |  Binance Kemur aftur á Reuters, fullyrðingar um deilingarskýrslu með Rússlandi sé „afdráttarlaust röng“

The plaintiff claims that Binance.US has failed to “abide by U.S. federal” and securities regulations. They claimed that the exchange platform offered UST, Terra Classic algorithmic stablecoin, and LUNA now dubbed LUNC as a “safe investment”.

Í þeim skilningi héldu þeir því fram að dulritunargjaldmiðillinn og stafrænu eignirnar væru óskráð verðbréf hjá bandaríska verðbréfaeftirlitinu (SEC). Þeir byggðu þessi rök á þeirri staðreynd að velgengni eða bilun LUNA var háð miðstýrðum þriðja aðila, Terraform Labs (TFL), og meðstofnanda þess og forstjóra Kwon Do-Hyung, einnig þekktur sem Do Kwon.

Í hópmálsókninni er því haldið fram:

U ST var auglýst og selt fjárfestum sem „örugg“ eign sem hægt var að nota til að vinna sér inn verulega ávöxtun, þar á meðal í formi vaxta. Viðkomandi verð á UST og LUNA voru bæði háð, og halda áfram að ráðast af, viðleitni og velgengni (eða mistök) TFL.

As seen below, the plaintiffs presented a recent Binance.US advertisement as evidence. In this picture, the exchange promotes its UST staking product with a 19.63% annual percentage reward (APR) followed by a “High Yield, Safe, and Happy Earn”.

Source: Class action document against Binance.US

However, the advertisement seems to be from Binance, Binance.US’s parent company. The U.S.-based platform has tried to differentiate itself from the global exchange. These efforts have translated to their brand and marketing campaigns, as seen below. #Taka mun einnig gera viðskiptavinum kleift að endurheimta verðlaunin sem þeir fá vikulega, sem tryggir háa APY með samsetningu.

Frekari upplýsingar:

- Binance.US (@BinanceBNA) Júní 7, 2022

Despite the above, the plaintiffs claimed that the U.S.-based exchange allegedly failed its users when promoting its products:

Despite enjoying those fantastic profits, Binance U.S. plainly failed to comply with federal and state securities laws. Binance U.S. failed to disclose that UST is in fact a security, and that it is selling these securities, even though (i) there is no registration statement in effect for them (…).

The LUNA Aftermath, Binance Under Public Scrutiny

Bandaríska verðbréfaeftirlitið hefur verið óljós um afstöðu sína til dulritunargjaldmiðla. Framkvæmdastjórnin mistókst, að sögn ákveðinna aðila innan greinarinnar, að veita laga- og reglugerðarskýrleika.

In step, it has engaged in legal battles with some of the actors in the crypto industry, including Binance.US and the LUNA’s Do Kwon. The class action claims:

Binance U.S.’s failure to comply with the securities laws, and its false advertisements of UST, have led to disastrous consequences for Binance U.S.’s customers: in May 2022, in the span of just a few days, UST lost essentially all its value—a loss of approximately $18 billion. Investors who purchased UST on Binance U.S. were wiped out, learning quickly that, contrary to Binance U.S.’s advertisements, UST was not “safe,” “stable,” or “fiat-backed.”

Talsmaður fyrir Binance.US told Bitcoinist the following regarding the class action and its accusations:

Binance.US is registered by FinCEN and adheres to all applicable regulations. These assertions are without merit and we will defend ourselves vigorously.

The exchange has experienced a lot of scrutiny in past days as it faces an SEC investigation related to the alleged sales of an unregistered security, as mentioned, their native token Binance Mynt (BNB).

Jafnframt rannsókn frá Reuters claims that Binance has been used as a platform to allegedly launder money, and support a drug operation in Russia. Binance’s CEO Changpeng Zhao dismissed the accusations.

The Reuters article yesterday is a huge waste of time and resources. This is the last I'll say on it, and the last our team will interact with the writer.

Höfundurinn heldur áfram að bera það sem heiðursmerki á Twitter þegar skáldskaparverk hans verða kannað eftir að hann hefur gefið út.

- CZ Binance (@cz_binance) Júní 7, 2022

Svipuð læsing | Breaking: U.S. SEC Launches Investigation Against Binance Mynt (BNB)

Þegar þetta er skrifað er verð BNB verslað á $225 með 11% tapi á 4 klukkustunda töflunni.

Verðþróun BNB lækkar á 4 tíma töflunni. Heimild: BNBUSDT Viðskiptasýn

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