Bitcoin La difficoltà di mining della rete diminuisce per la prima volta in 2 mesi

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Bitcoin La difficoltà di mining della rete diminuisce per la prima volta in 2 mesi

Following four consecutive Bitcoin mining difficulty increases, the network’s difficulty dropped for the first time in 68 days, sliding 2.14% at block height 756,000 on Tuesday. The change means it’s currently 2.14% easier to find a bitcoin block reward following the mining difficulty’s all-time high (ATH) that took place on September 13.

Bitcoin Difficulty Slides 2.14%

Bitcoin miners caught a break this week after the network’s mining difficulty slid by 2.14% on Tuesday evening. The difficulty is now 31.36 trillion following the 32.04 trillion ATH recorded on Tuesday, September 13. The network’s difficulty will remain at 31.36 trillion for the next two weeks, as the difficulty is adjusted every 2,016 blocks.

Mentre l'hashrate della rete si sta attestando a 234 exahash al secondo (EH/s), le statistiche mostrano che negli ultimi 2,016 blocchi l'hashrate medio è stato di 225.2 EH/s. Secondo le metriche attuali, con corrente BTC prices and electrical costs at $0.07 per kilowatt hour (kWh), roughly 41 SHA256 application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) bitcoin miners make an estimated profit between $0.12 and $7.95 per day. At $0.12 per kWh, nine ASIC bitcoin miners make an estimated profit between $0.33 and $4.24 per day.


Le prime cinque macchine da mining ASIC più redditizi oggi includono Bitmain Antminer S19 XP con 140 terahash al secondo (TH/s), Antminer S19 Pro+ Hyd (198 TH/s), Microbt Whatsminer M50S (126 TH/s), il Microbt Whatsminer M50 (114 TH/s) e Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro (110 TH/s).

Negli ultimi tre giorni, i minatori hanno scoperto 423 blocchi e Foundry USA ne ha trovati 108. Foundry è stato il top miner negli ultimi tre giorni con il 25.53% dell'hashrate globale o 56.53 EH/s.

Foundry is followed by Antpool, F2pool, Binance Pool, and Viabtc respectively. Currently, 11 known mining pools are dedicating hashrate toward the Bitcoin blockchain, representing 98.11% of the global hashrate. Unknown hashrate commands 1.89% of the global hashrate today or 4.19 EH/s used to discover eight blocks out of the 423 found in three days.

Nel frattempo, alle attuali velocità di blocco, si stima che il prossimo cambiamento di difficoltà sia un aumento di circa l'1.32%, ma ciò potrebbe cambiare molto nei prossimi 1,957 blocchi rimasti da estrarre.

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