Why Hillary Clinton Thinks Bitcoin Undermines The U.S. Dollar

By Bitcoinist - 2 年前 - 読了時間: 3 分

Why Hillary Clinton Thinks Bitcoin Undermines The U.S. Dollar

ブルームバーグ・ニュー・エコノミー・カンファレンスで元米国務長官で大統領候補のヒラリー・クリントン氏 スポーク 約 Bitcoin and its potential to trigger a change in the global economy and its world order.

関連レディング| 鉱山株がアウトパフォーム Bitcoin マイナーの利益が増加し続ける中


Clinton, like many other U.S. top government officials, thinks the cryptocurrency poses a threat to the United States and its currency, the U.S. dollar. The former Secretary of State listed Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as one of the dangers of the coming decade.


Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, as Clinton said, have the potential to undermine entire countries, and specifically to potentially render the U.S. dollar obsolete as the global reserve currency. These assets could be utilized by those nations, such as Russia, as obstacles against the interest of the U.S. and its allies.


These organizations used their technological capabilities to target companies and institutions in the Western Hemisphere, to demand Bitcoin and crypto payments. Thus, Clinton seems to admire China’s approach to cryptocurrencies and believes other nations should take the same approach, in other words, a full-on ban on these assets:

中国は、暗号通貨の開発など、外部のテクノロジー決済システムが中国国内で大きな役割を果たすことを阻止しようとしているようです。 彼らは、おそらく他の国よりも早く、彼らのナショナリズムを与えて、これが主権への直接の脅威である可能性があることを認識していると思います。

Bitcoin To Destabilize The World?

The former U.S. government official continued presenting her hypothetical scenario where Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies could should they fall “in the wrong hands”, potentially destroy entire nation-states. Furthermore, the alleged mayhem could extend to the entire “global currency market”.

  Bitcoin and the crypto community responded with mixed feelings. Some believe that BTC is finally getting the recognition it deserves and that Clinton’s words are a form of legitimation.


Other U.S. government officials, including the current FED Chair Jerome Powell and the Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, have called Bitcoin a “speculative attack on the dollar”. The country seems to be becoming more hostile towards the crypto industry, but only time will tell if it follows Clinton’s recommendation and takes a similar stand to China’s.

関連レディング| インフレ懸念が火花を散らす Bitcoin タップルート前の集会 – 仮想通貨ラウンドアップ、15 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日

プレスタイム現在、 Bitcoin (BTC) trades at $58,000 as it recovers from of its most bloody days in 2021.

BTCは55,600時間足チャートで4ドルから反発。ソース: BTCUSDトレーディングビュー

元のソース: Bitcoinあります