Back To School With Bitcoin: How To Teach Your Kids About Bitcoin

By Bitcoin Журнал - 2 жыл бұрын - Оқу уақыты: 2 минут

Back To School With Bitcoin: How To Teach Your Kids About Bitcoin

Here’s what you need for a year of self-sovereign education.

Bitcoin can be an important tool for learning about economics and computer science, especially as the broken education system struggles through the COVID-19 pandemic. As Mark Twain бір рет айтқан, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” 

Your back-to-school shopping guide should include books about Bitcoin. 

Бақытымызға орай, Bitcoin журнал қойма offers all of the books and devices you need for a self-sovereign education, starting with “Bitcoin Money: A Tale Of Bitville Discovering Good Money” for children as young as four.

For teenagers, you can орнату a Bitcoin торап with them for a hands-on lesson about computer science. Once you have the basic tools and hardware devices, including a full node and a bitcoin wallet, there are plenty of free Ашық көзі Bitcoin жобалар that teens can use to learn about coding as well.  

Ашық көзі bitcoin projects offer many ways to learn about computer science. 

And, of course, no teenager’s Bitcoin curriculum would be complete without “The Bitcoin Стандарт: Орталық банк қызметіне орталықтандырылмаған балама.” If you’re already considering homeschooling, there’s a wide range of books in our store that you can assign for original book reports and other projects for English class.

Meanwhile, university students can basically give themselves a PhD in Bitcoin just by reading our whole curriculum of top books about bitcoin. In terms of economic history textbooks, we recommend starting with “The Sovereign Individual: Mastering The Transition To The Information Age.” As for computer science, we recommend starting with “бағдарламалау Bitcoin: Learn How to Program Bitcoin Скретчтен.” And, if coffee or tea helps you get in the zone while studying, don’t forget your Laserflip mug for good luck. 

The Bitcoin Magazine store has all the school supplies you need to learn about digital money.

Prioritize your own self-sovereignty by getting the educational resources you need to learn all about Bitcoin. For more tools along the way, everything from аппараттық әмияндар дейін Bitcoin өндіру, it's all available in our қойма. Enjoy your year of self-sovereign education!

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