Сальвадор президенті вулканмен жұмыс жасайтын бейнероликпен бөлісті Bitcoin Тау-кен фабрикасы

By Bitcoin.com - 2 years ago - Оқу уақыты: 3 минут

Сальвадор президенті вулканмен жұмыс жасайтын бейнероликпен бөлісті Bitcoin Тау-кен фабрикасы

On Tuesday, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele shared a video of a bitcoin mine operating adjacent to a volcano. Bukele discussed the volcano-powered bitcoin mining on June 9 when he talked about the “95MW of 100% clean, 0 emissions geothermal energy from our volcanos.”

El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele Shares a Video of the ‘First Steps’ Behind the Volcano-Powered Bitcoin Шахта құрылысы

Сальвадор президенті бейне бөлісті via the social media platform Twitter that said “First steps,” as the film shows ASIC bitcoin mining rigs being installed at a geothermal energy plant. The video shows containers that are emblazoned with the Salvadoran government logos and a large quantity of ASIC mining devices. The video has been viewed around 2 million times on Twitter, and Bukele’s video tweet has over 50K likes and over 12,000 retweets.

Алғашқы қадамдар…

🌋#Bitcoin.. pic.twitter.com/duhHvmEnym

- Найиб Букеле 🇸🇻 (@nayibbukele) Қыркүйек 28, 2021

Көптеген кезде bitcoin proponents said the mining facility was “impressive,” a few Salvadoran citizens complained about the use of energy. “So, there are centers to produce more energy, but to mine bitcoin,” one individual сұрады Сальвадор президенті. «Электр қуатын 30 жылдан астам күткен адамдар. Сіз ең мұқтаж жандарға көмектесесіз бе? Екіжүзді », - деп қосты адам.

Көптеген адамдар Бөкелеге бұл сұрақты бергені үшін әйелге флак берді, бірақ көптеген адамдар оған жабысып қалды. «Ол кез келген қарапайым адам сияқты ойлайды», - дейді басқа адам жауап берді in Nayib Bukele’s tweet thread. “Why is there money to set up power plants for [bitcoin] mining and there is no money to supply the entire population. Before insulting people, make an argument,” the person қосылған. Besides the introduction to volcano-powered bitcoin тау-кен ісі this past June, Bukele also discussed the subject in greater detail on an episode of “Не Bitcoin жасады. «

«Ешқандай минус жоқ энергияның өте таза көзі», құны 480 миллион доллар тұратын жоба құрылысы

Сальвадор президенті үй иесі Питер Маккормакқа «Сальвадор инновацияда бірінші болып танылған ел болмағаны туралы» айтты, бірақ ол: «Неге бұл жолы емес?»

While Bukele stressed during his interview that geothermal energy was “a very, very clean source of energy” and that it has “almost no downsides,” the Salvadoran president did not go over the subject of specific Salvadorans not having access to electricity. “Currently, the electrification index is 83.4%” in El Salvador according to the соңғы статистика. Major urban areas in El Salvador have around 97% access to electricity, while ruralized regions in the country today show an electrification index estimate of around 72%.

El Salvador is the largest producer of geothermal energy in Central America and in July, the country suffered from a massive power outage. The Regional Operator Entity (EOR) based in El Salvador told the press that they witnessed a “load loss of 2,300 megawatts.”

The power outage in El Salvador and other regions in Central America cost around $18.2 million from failures. “The demand we had at that time was around 8,300 megawatts in the Central American region. We have lost 30% of the electrical power load,” the EOR director, René González, деді тілшілер.

When discussing the volcano bitcoin mining experiment with Peter McCormack, Bukele emphasized that the project will be costly. “It’s going to cost $480 million, so that’s going to be a legacy for the country because we are building infrastructure paid by bitcoin,” Bukele said in his interview. Alongside this, demand for electricity in El Salvador is expected to grow annually at a rate of 5% year-over-year.

What do you think about the ‘first steps’ volcano-powered bitcoin mine video shared by Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Бастапқы дереккөз: Bitcoin.com