중앙 은행가들은 말한다 Bitcoin 고위험 투자, 열악한 가치 저장, 붕괴 가능성

By Bitcoin.com - 2년 전 - 읽기 시간: 2분

중앙 은행가들은 말한다 Bitcoin 고위험 투자, 열악한 가치 저장, 붕괴 가능성

Two central bank governors have shared their opinions about bitcoin after the cryptocurrency became legal tender in El Salvador. The governor of the Bank of Mexico sees bitcoin as a high-risk investment and a poor store of value while the governor of Sweden’s central bank, the Riksbank, believes bitcoin 무너질 수 있습니다.

Central Bankers Continue to Warn About Bitcoin

The governors of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) and Sweden’s central bank, the Riksbank, have shared their views on bitcoin after the cryptocurrency became 법화 엘살바도르에서.

Bank of Mexico Governor Alejandro Diaz de Leon said Thursday that bitcoin is more like a means of barter than fiat money, Reuters reported, adding that he called the cryptocurrency “a high-risk investment and a poor store of value.” The Banxico governor is an economist; he was appointed by Mexico’s president to serve as governor of the central bank until Dec. 31. He was quoted as saying:

Whoever receives bitcoin in exchange for a good or service, we believe that is more akin to bartering because that person is exchanging a good for a good, but not really money for a good.

“In our times, money has evolved to be fiat money issued by central banks. Bitcoin is more like a dimension of precious metals than daily legal tender,” he continued.

His comments suggest that Mexico will not be adopting bitcoin as a national currency as El Salvador did anytime soon. The Salvadoran Bitcoin 법 7월 XNUMX일부터 시행되었으며, BTC 이제 미국 달러와 함께 법정화폐가 되었습니다.

멕시코 은행장은 암호화폐가 화폐로 간주되려면 신뢰할 수 있는 결제 수단이어야 한다고 주장했습니다. 그러나 그는 암호화폐는 매우 변동성이 크다고 말하면서 그 가치가 매일매일 크게 변동하는 경우가 많다는 점을 지적했습니다. Banxico 주지사는 다음과 같이 설명했습니다.

사람들은 자신의 구매력, 급여가 하루에 10%씩 오르거나 내리는 것을 원하지 않을 것입니다. 구매력의 변동성을 원하지 않습니다. 그런 의미에서 이는 가치에 대한 좋은 보호 장치가 아닙니다.

Meanwhile, the governor of the Swedish central bank, Stefan Ingves, compared buying and selling bitcoin to trading stamps. Bloomberg reported Thursday that he commented on bitcoin at a banking conference in Stockholm, warning that the cryptocurrency could collapse.

잉베스(Ingves)는 경제학자이기도 합니다. 그는 이전에 국제통화기금(IMF)에서 바젤위원회 위원장과 통화금융시스템부 국장을 역임했습니다. 그는 다음과 같이 말한 것으로 인용되었습니다.

Private money usually collapses sooner or later. And sure, you can get rich by trading in bitcoin, but it’s comparable to trading in stamps.

The Riksbank governor previously said that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are unlikely to escape regulatory oversight as their popularity grows.

두 중앙은행장들의 발언에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 아래 댓글 섹션을 통해 알려주세요.

원본 출처 : Bitcoin.COM