FTX 붕괴로 인해 Blockfolio 사용자가 노출될 수 있는 방법

By Bitcoin Magazine - 1년 전 - 읽는 시간: 7분

FTX 붕괴로 인해 Blockfolio 사용자가 노출될 수 있는 방법

The data necessary to analyze previous Blockfolio entries is now mixed up into the massive cryptocurrency exchange’s collapse.

This is an opinion editorial by Morgan Rockwell, founder of Bitcoin Kinetics.

I'm not concerned with Sam Bankman-Fried allegedly 대출 받기 from Alameda, which was actually FTX customer funds wired through Alameda to be credited on FTX. I'm not concerned with the moral compass of the 명성 investors who gave billions to a kid they didn't really know or understand, yet endorsed with wealth and credibility. I'm not very concerned with the financial and 시장 효과 어떤 이유로든 어떤 형태로든 FTX에 의존한 많은 회사, 거래소 및 트레이더들에게.

I'm most concerned with Sam Bankman-Fried getting the personal identification information of millions of customers, and using that data to do chain analysis on the Blockfolio app he purchased which was used by many Bitcoiners and cryptocurrency holders as a tracking tool of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other watch-only cryptocurrency wallets.

출처 : Google 이미지

If you aren't aware, Blockfolio was an app that was used by many Bitcoin holders and other cryptocurrency holders to keep track of the exchange rate or the prices of their coins held in cold storage or on wallets that they only wanted to be watching and not have actively on a hot wallet on their mobile device. Storing the wallet addresses actually were not even needed on the app. You could just put in a amount of a certain cryptocurrency that you wanted to watch and say that you had — but there was also a feature to connect to exchanges to keep track of all of your coins across all of the exchanges you had them on in one app. This was the beauty of Blockfolio as it didn't necessarily ask for too much personal identification information other than an email to help keep track of your account so you can log in from multiple devices.

저와 같은 대부분의 사람들은 Sam Bankman-Fried를 알게 되었습니다. 구매의 FTX라는 새로 형성된 법인에 의한 Blockfolio의. 몇 주에 걸쳐 Blockfolio 앱은 자체 거래소가 있는 FTX 앱으로 리브랜딩되었습니다. 또한 새로운 고객 알기 규칙, 자금 세탁 방지 정책, 새로운 서비스 약관 및 FTX가 보유한 자체 관리 지갑이 있다고 가정했습니다.

여기에서 30년 2017월 XNUMX일부터 Blockfolio의 서비스 약관을 볼 수 있습니다.

출처: Blockfolio 개인 정보 보호 정책 2017

Blockfolio는 사용자 데이터를 판매하지 않았으며 앞으로도 판매하지 않을 것이라고 열렬히 주장했습니다. Blockfolio는 심지어 ID가 사용자 포트폴리오를 식별하고 이메일 주소에 연결하지 못하도록 해싱 메커니즘으로 사용자를 비식별화하려고 시도했습니다. 구매 후 FTX로 전환한 후에는 이런 일이 발생하지 않은 것 같습니다.

여기에서 새로운 FTX 개인정보 보호정책의 뚜렷한 차이점을 확인할 수 있습니다.

출처: FTX 개인 정보 보호 정책 2022

다음은 개인 정보 보호 정책과 다른 문서인 FTX 서비스 약관 내 개인 식별 정보에 대해 거의 언급되지 않은 내용입니다.

출처: FTX 서비스 약관 2022

참고로 어떤 회사의 이용약관이나 개인정보처리방침을 한번도 읽어본 적이 없다면 독한 맥주와 함께 이 워드스프를 즐겨보시길 추천합니다!

This all has brought up questions around this merger and the acquisition that happened in the cryptocurrency industry only a few years ago. I am concerned because after the fallout of this exchange, FTX going bankrupt and all of its assets potentially being put up for auction, I would like to know the state of the personal identification information that FTX had been forced to gather because of KYC and AML laws. My concern is the vast amount of information gathered including passports, phone numbers, IP addresses, home addresses, cryptocurrency wallet addresses, email addresses, passwords and government IDs. All of these could be sold at auction as customer data or customer profiles to whoever finds them valuable.

출처: FTX 개인정보 보호정책(합병, 매각 또는 기타 자산 이전 시 공개)

Now the assets held by FTX whether they were actually real cryptocurrency such as bitcoin or made up tokens built on another layer one network such as ethereum are not too important in this conversation in my opinion. What is important is the data, the privacy data, the data mining operation that could have or will be done on all of this data FTX had gathered on customers either it was done by them or it will be done by whomever buys this data at auction. Even more so, the jurisdiction of that data is open to anywhere on earth.

출처: FTX 개인정보 보호정책(국제 데이터 전송)

As someone who has personally worked on coin analysis concepts and technology for the United States Military, as well as consulted on this for the Department of Defense as a so called "subject matter expert," I can personally attest that it is very easy to correlate a person to their Bitcoin wallet address using nothing more than the amounts of bitcoin held on specific addresses, as well as the device data that is keeping track of those specific amounts on specific addresses — this is simple SIGINT, MASINT or HUMINT, all of which are different forms of intelligence gathering.

출처: Wikipedia HUMINT 검색

If you are keeping track of any bitcoin on any wallet over any Bitcoin explorer that is looked through a browser or app on any device, phone, laptop or tablet, there is now a record that will be connected to the IP address, the MAC number, the SIM phone number, the VOIP number, credit card number, home address and any other personal identifying information that is attached in any way to this device. I know this because Edward Snowden leaked documents showing that the NSA had a program called XKEYSCORE 응용 프로그램은 다음과 같이 사용되었습니다. 오크스타 및 그 하위 프로그램 몽키로켓 to specifically keep track of Bitcoin users at the NSA.

Source: https://theintercept.com/2018/03/20/the-nsa-worked-to-track-down-bitcoin-users-snowden-documents-reveal/

Now what I'm getting at is this data that FTX was forced under AML and KYC law to be gathered. This is potentially one of the largest gatherings of this type of data in the cryptocurrency industry ever done in history. This data, combined with coin analysis information related to bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrency amounts being tracked by the previously titled Blockfolio app has created a situation where KYC data personal identifying information can be now superimposed over Blockfolio email addresses, UTXOs and watch addresses that plenty of people used on Blockfolio without any personal information being divulged to the app.

So this means that people that used Blockfolio to keep track of the amount of cryptocurrency they had, wanted to buy or were keeping track of for whatever reason will now be able to be correlated to very detailed personal identification information. The concern I have is not whether FTX and its hundreds of subsidiaries were keeping track of this information from Blockfolio or using it in any way, but that their vast new pool of customer information and data will be binded in the future to the Blockfolio data. I don't assume FTX was intelligent enough to do this for any purpose such as advertising, or data sharing with a hedge fund like Robinhood 하지만 SBF가 FTX의 규제 기관과 법 집행 기관에 개방된 문이 있다고 밝혔기 때문에 그들이 이 데이터를 법 집행 기관, 광고주 또는 정보 커뮤니티의 행위자에게 판매하는 것을 고려했을 수 있다고 가정합니다.

지금 우리가 생각해야 할 것은 FTX의 자산이 경매에 오르는 때입니다. 경매에서는 디지털 통화와 토큰뿐만 아니라 라이선스가 새로운 당사자에게 판매될 뿐만 아니라 고객 자신이 될 것입니다. , 개인 식별 정보 및 해당 데이터로 수행되었거나 수행될 대규모 데이터 마이닝.

I was never an FTX user, I never created an account with FTX or FTX.us and I never wired any money to Alameda. Unfortunately, because of my longevity in the Bitcoin space, I used Blockfolio like many Bitcoin users before me to keep track of the amounts of Bitcoin I had in multiple locations and their total value. Now that data that I thought was private will be connected to KYC data of anyone I know, interacted with over a wire and any device they used, especially if through multiple connections it leads back to FTX in any way.

What we need to do now is ask the serious questions and not focus on the financial obligations or mishandlings of SBF and FTX. But we must ask who has this data? What has been done with this data and who will be owning this data in the future? The reality is FTT dissolving into nothing isn't a "Force Majeure Event," so most of the users are screwed.

출처: FTX 서비스 약관 2022

If this at all concerns you or involves you, I would suggest we all find the proper channels to protect ourselves from the worst case scenario from this fallout of data. This is the biggest problem with KYC and AML laws,because after all of this financial chaos, there is now a criminal-run exchange that is in possession of millions of people's personal information about their devices, their homes, their financials and more, all available to the highest bidder.

배송 시 요청 사항:

Blockfolio TOS 및 개인정보 보호정책은 FTX.com 웹사이트의 작동하지 않는 링크로 이동하지만 2017 버전을 찾았습니다.
누락된 Blockfolio TOS/PP와 새로운 FTX TOS/PP를 보려면 Zendesk를 통해 로그인해야 합니다. 즉, 문서를 보려면 이메일과 PPI를 제공해야 했습니다..

This is a guest post by Morgan Rockwell. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin 매거진.

원본 출처 : Bitcoin Magazine에는 West Coast Sales Manager인