과거와 현재의 인프라: Bitcoin 우리를 앞으로 나아가게 할 수 있다

By Bitcoin 잡지 - 2년 전 - 읽기 시간: 4분

과거와 현재의 인프라: Bitcoin 우리를 앞으로 나아가게 할 수 있다

In the past, infrastructure deals have represented new industrial opportunities for America, and now should be no different.

“Infrastructure” is defined as the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

There have been instances in our country’s history where infrastructure projects/legislation have been used to propel our nation to new heights.

In the 1860s, despite the Civil War, construction of the Transcontinental Railroad opened the door to the markets of the West Coast and Asia to the east, as it brought products of eastern industry to the growing populace beyond the Mississippi. The railroad ensured a production boom, as industry mined the vast resources of the middle and western continent for use in production.

The early 1900s gave us the construction of the Panama Canal, a robust trade route that was newly accessible to maritime shipping, and expedited the flow of goods substantially. We also had infrastructure projects that were privately constructed but have forever changed the landscape of our great cities. Namely, the infamous fight between DuPont and Chrysler 엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩과 그 이전에 크라이슬러 빌딩이라는 당시 가장 큰 두 개의 고층 빌딩이 부상했습니다.

Towards the tail end of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal used the basis of infrastructure to get the United States out of the calamity it had endured. Although taxes were heavily raised on the wealthy, there was no safe haven outside of the United States, and the Morgans, DuPonts etc., of the day paid their "fair share" - little did FDR know that he would need this wealthy class once more to provide the footing and strength required to endure and win World War II.

As we progressed into the 1960s we had a different type of infrastructure, one where the nuclear family was prominent and the cost of living was fairly reasonable. We developed the technology that would propel us as far as the moon. However, the infrastructure projects of the past would soon change as in 1971, the United States officially decoupled off of the gold standard and the impact and devaluation of the U.S. dollar was soon felt in the tail end of the decade following the end of the Vietnam War. Inflation and high costs of living (relatively speaking) put a drag on the economy until Ronald Reagan became president.

Presently, the United States faces a similar state of duress. A national deficit pushing $30 trillion, unemployment and government dependency on the rise, and the notion that things that are part of the normal day are now considered infrastructure.

의회는 우리 국가의 주권을 위태롭게 할 뿐만 아니라 미국 달러를 하이퍼인플레이션에 한 걸음 더 가까이 밀어붙이는 기반 시설 법안을 통과시키기 직전입니다. 인프라 기반을 구축했습니다.

3.5조 XNUMX억 달러를 초과할 수 있는 이러한 성격의 법안은 지출을 늦추고 싶어하지 않는 것처럼 보이는 관료주의를 드러낼 뿐만 아니라 돈 인쇄기가 멈추지 않을 것임을 보장합니다. 청구서에 대한 "지불" 계획의 일부는 암호화폐에 세금과 규정을 부과하는 것입니다. Bitcoin 네트워크 인프라.

According to a draft copy of the bill, any broker that transfers any digital assets would need to file a return under a modified information-reporting regime. The draft defined digital assets as “any digital representation of value … recorded on a cryptographically-secured distributed ledger” or related technology. It also includes decentralized exchanges and peer-to-peer marketplaces in its definition of brokers.

하드웨어에서 거래소에 이르기까지 업계의 모든 측면을 조사하려는 이 새 법안에서 암호화폐는 광범위한 브러시로 그려졌으며 세수는 30억 달러로 추산됩니다. 이 패키지는 전반적으로 세금 인상을 통해 보조금을 받을 것이며 우리가 맞서 싸울 경우 bitcoin 그것의 세금 측면에서, 우리는 우리 금고에 있는 달러의 추가 평가 절하로 인해 여전히 손실을 보게 될 것입니다. 그러나 우리의 키와 코인을 익명으로 유지하고 업계 이해 관계자에게 이러한 특성의 감독으로부터 피난처를 제공하도록 합니다.

As we look into the future, we will likely be seeing additional stimulus packages and subsequently the push towards the Green New Deal. It’s highly likely that we’ll see yet another infrastructure package which intends to tighten the vise grip on carbon emissions - which includes retrofitting buildings, shifting away from fossil fuels, and the creation of a central bank digital currency when our national deficit crosses unfathomable new heights.

우리가 정부에 이것에 대해 XNUMX인치를 준다면 그들은 XNUMX마일이 걸릴 것입니다. 미래의 기반 시설 프로젝트, 특히 정부 보조금을 받는 프로젝트는 일반인에게 해가 될 것입니다. 제 생각에는 bitcoin 표준은 모두에게 번영을 제공할 뿐만 아니라 중앙 정부의 권한도 제한할 것입니다.

To close, as Bitcoin어, 우리는 정부에 적절한 대표자가 없으며 필요하지도 않습니다. 정부가 통제력을 강화하고 혁신을 제한하도록 허용한다면 Bitcoin 환경, 사회 및 기업 지배 구조(ESG) 규정 준수, 과세 및 기타 감독 수단을 통하든지 간에 우리는 후퇴해야 하며 가장 중요하게는 혁신의 한계를 계속해서 밀어붙여 진정으로 유익한 경제를 창출해야 합니다. 전 세계 사람들. 새로운 발견을 의미하더라도 home.

This is a guest post by Shill Scale. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC, Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine에는 West Coast Sales Manager인.

원본 출처 : Bitcoin Magazine에는 West Coast Sales Manager인