경로 Bitcoin 진정한 디지털 현금이 되려면

By Bitcoin Magazine - 1년 전 - 읽는 시간: 8분

경로 Bitcoin 진정한 디지털 현금이 되려면

The original intent for bitcoin involved regular usage — and that needs to be encouraged in order to see full adoption.

이것은 엔지니어, 변호사 및 설립자 인 Scott Worden의 의견 사설입니다. 비트코인 트러스트.

“저는 신뢰할 수 있는 제XNUMX자가 없는 완전한 PXNUMXP 방식의 새로운 전자 현금 시스템을 연구해 왔습니다."- 나카 모토 사토시

It's one of those perfect fall days in Colorado, and I’m sitting outside of a pub in the late afternoon. I’m meeting with a fellow bitcoiner, a man I met in Austin at the end of this summer. As the sun fell behind the mountains, the sky turned orange, setting the perfect backdrop for lively bitcoin 대화.

As we ticked down the typical list of everything we agreed on — censorship is bad, red meat is good, etc., — I made an offhand comment about wishing more businesses would accept bitcoin as payment. “Well I don’t, why would you want to part with your sats?” was the reply he tossed back. The implication, of course, is that a true Bitcoiner values satoshis more than anything else in the world. Why would you trade them for groceries, t-shirts or beer? “Haven’t you heard of 라슬로 하니에츠? That fool traded 10,000 bitcoin for a couple of pizzas. I’m not repeating that mistake. Talk to me when bitcoin hits $200k, then maybe it would make sense.”

나의 새로운 친구는 이런 생각을 가지고 혼자가 아닙니다. 그것은 HODL 커뮤니티의 Michael Saylor 및 다른 사람들과 같은 사람들이 제공하는 정서입니다. 그들은 “The scarcest asset in the world is Bitcoin. It's digital gold, ""구매 bitcoin is like purchasing property in Manhattan 100 years ago”, and “Don’t sell your bitcoin!” Yet at the same time, there is an intuitive recognition that if bitcoin can’t ever be traded for a good or service, it in effect has no value, no matter what price is flashing on the BLOCKCLOCK in the office. I call this the HODLer’s dilemma.

하지만 이것이 정말 딜레마일까요? 이 만트라는 그 자체로 다작이며 신의 정신과 일치합니까? 사토시’s innovation? Does the proliferation of the Lightning Network and non-custodial mobile wallets that our parents (or children) can intuitively operate require us to evolve our understanding of Bitcoin’s value proposition? Personally, I believe the time is now to stop thinking of bitcoin as simply a store of value and begin to conceptualize it 주로 교환 매체로 ... 그것은 또한 지구상의 어떤 자산보다 가치를 더 잘 저장합니다. 아직 주의를 기울이지 않은 경우 몇 가지 이유가 있습니다.


"Bitcoin would be convenient for people who don’t have a credit card or don’t want to use the cards they have."- 나카 모토 사토시

시스템 종료를 시작할 시간은 바로 지금입니다. 신호가 그 어느 때보다 강해졌습니다. 오늘날 우리는 법정 화폐 시스템이 다음과 같은 일을 할 수 있는 세상에 살고 있습니다.

Close your bank account for politically incorrect viewpoints. Report your gun purchases to law enforcement. Implement fines for speech they don't like. Confiscate your money if you donate to a cause they don’t like.

이 모든 일이 일어나고 있습니다. 오늘, 그리고 그것은 아마도 빙산의 일각일 것이다.. 현금 거래가 점점 더 부족해지고 불편해지는 소매 시스템에서 대형 은행, 신용 기관 및 지불 시스템의 대다수는 우리의 행동을 통제하는 데 실존적 이해 관계가 있는 것으로 보이는 정부의 요구를 묵인했습니다..

물론, bitcoin isn’t a panacea to censorship — at least how it’s most commonly purchased and exchanged today. The 캐나다 트럭 운전사 항의 showed us that a government committed to suppressing the voice of their citizens will go to almost any length to do so, and in the process taught us that licensed exchanges and chain analysis techniques can be highly effective in blacklisting addresses and even identifying donors. These vulnerabilities will need to be overcome in order to provide a more censorship-free currency-of-exchange. But by transacting in bitcoin with peers and merchants for everyday goods and services as often as possible, we incentivize others to both accept and transact in bitcoin. Through numbers alone we can render the bitcoin economy more robust, decentralized and difficult to censor. A community that values privacy will naturally choose to adopt non-custodial wallets, engage in collaborative transactions and avoid KYC exchanges. Growing and educating this community has never been more important.

편리함과 자율성

"암호화 증명을 기반으로 하는 전자 화폐를 사용하면 제XNUMX자 중개인을 신뢰할 필요 없이 돈을 안전하게 보호하고 거래를 쉽게 할 수 있습니다."- 나카 모토 사토시

A common counter-argument to transacting in bitcoin is that it’s either too complicated or too slow compared with swiping a credit card. This is simply no longer true. Today, any beginner-level Bitcoiner can download Muun Wallet and within minutes send Lightning invoices to clients for payment via QR Code. Coinkite has an NFC device that allows users to sign for transactions with a tap of their card. There are more examples, and many more to come. The beauty of these solutions is that they are fully non-custodial, i.e., there is no central third party that controls your coins. The software is merely enabling transactions to be broadcast to the network. Lightning transactions clear instantaneously, with fees an order of magnitude lower than Visa or Mastercard’s traditional 2–3%. (For example, it recently cost me about $.60 in fees to send the equivalent of $700 USD to 리치 목장 지난주 소고기. 내가 Visa를 사용했다면 같은 거래에서 상인에게 약 $20의 비용이 들었을 것입니다.)

In addition, these transactions promote autonomy on both sides. Lightning transactions, like everything else backed by Bitcoin’s proof-of-work, occur without counterparty risk. Removed from the equation is the risk that a consumer won’t pay his bill, dispute a charge, not have enough money in his account or file for bankruptcy down the road. All of this risk manifests as transactional inefficiency, and its costs are directly or indirectly absorbed by merchants and consumers. A trustless system like bitcoin is thus more efficient, reducing risk for merchants, and ultimately rendering goods and services less expensive for responsible consumers.

Transacting In Bitcoin Promotes Saving In Bitcoin

“20년 후에는 거래량이 매우 많거나 없을 것이라고 확신합니다."- 나카 모토 사토시

We would do well to think of all of our transactions in terms of bitcoin. When money is truly a store of value, we take a measured approach to spending and account for the potential increase in value that money may have in the future. This is logical, and applies whether you’re spending sats or dollars. The website bitcoinorshit.com drives this point home quite bluntly.

의 이야기도 있습니다 라즐로하니 에츠, who in 2010, famously purchased two pizzas for 10,000 BTC. In effect, Laszlo paid a couple of billion U.S. dollars for pizza, if we take into consideration BTC’s market value over a decade later. It surprises me though, when Bitcoiners jump on Laszlo for being economically naive, and use this example to support their position that bitcoin should never be spent. The simple truth is that everyone who bought pizza in 2010 effectively spent thousands of bitcoin 거기에. The only way to avoid this would be to eat something less expensive or go hungry. The fact is, every fiat transaction we make is a direct trade off for potentially increasing our stack. Once we understand this, the public controversy over spending bitcoin on products or services is fundamentally dead.

우리 대다수는 오늘날 사회에서 살아남기 위해 재화와 서비스를 위해 금전적 에너지를 교환해야 합니다. 남은 논란은 어느 제품이나 서비스가 더 많은 SAT를 획득할 수 있는 기회보다 우선합니다. 그것은 우리 각자에게 개인적이고 고유한 결정입니다. 답은 독립적으로 생각해야 하며 통화 에너지가 토, 달러 또는 엔으로 소비되는지 여부에 관계없이 고려해야 합니다. 저장 — 남은 것은 HODLer의 딜레마와 관련이 있습니다.

We are all likely to save more BTC if we begin transacting more in BTC. For one thing, when we deal in a sound money that is a proven store-of-value, we’re more apt to be discerning in our purchases. Sure, we really want the new iPhone, but is it worth 5 million sats if you expect a sat to be worth a penny someday? We might decide to wait another year before we upgrade and retain those sats for the future. On the other hand we all need food, shelter and clothing. If I have a choice between buying my meat from Costco with my Visa card, or buying direct from a rancher who accepts bitcoin, why wouldn’t I choose the latter?

Today, the number of merchants that accept bitcoin is relatively small, though growing steadily. As bitcoin begin to understand that their “spend dollars, save sats,” theory may be counterproductive, greater numbers will begin to seek goods from merchants that accept bitcoin for payment. This spike in demand will drive merchant adoption, potentially shifting the timeline for a bitcoin economy significantly to the left.

더 많은 교환은 더 많은 가치와 같습니다

“사용자 수가 증가하면 코 인당 가치도 증가합니다. 긍정적 인 피드백 루프의 가능성이 있습니다. 사용자가 증가할수록 가치가 올라 갈수록 더 많은 사용자가 증가하는 가치를 활용할 수 있습니다. " - 나카 모토 사토시

This is where we sit today. There’s a growing number of speculators and bitcoin enthusiasts who have bought into the idea that Bitcoin is a bona fide store of value. This community further believes that the asset’s scarcity will inevitably lend to a supply squeeze that will cause the price to rocket upwards. Sure, it’s possible that this could happen through the mere act of HODLing, but as Satoshi Nakamoto points out, the value goes up when the numbers of 사용자 go up. Does buying and holding an asset qualify as use? If the brilliance behind bitcoin is enabling peer-to-peer transactions without a third-party middleman, are we really leveraging that capability by exclusively stacking and not spending?

나는 믿습니다 bitcoin needs to become a true medium of exchange in order for it to fully realize its potential as a store of value. Since value is not derived from scarcity alone — demand is fundamental to bitcoin’s price. If bitcoin의 유틸리티 becomes the driving force for its demand, it is at this moment that its true potential as a store of value will be realized. Today’s economic and political backdrop might just be the motivation we all need. But until bitcoin becomes an essential part of our daily economic activity, it is apt to be valued alongside other speculative assets, and subject to the whims of the same fiat system it was meant to supplant.

이로 손님 게시물입니다 스콧 워든. 표현 된 의견은 전적으로 자신의 것이며 BTC Inc 또는 Bitcoin 매거진.

원본 출처 : Bitcoin Magazine에는 West Coast Sales Manager인