Banking Giant Goldman Sachs Launching Its First-Ever Loan Collateralized by Bitcoin (BTC)

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Banking Giant Goldman Sachs Launching Its First-Ever Loan Collateralized by Bitcoin (BTC)

Banking and financial services titan Goldman Sachs is making its first-ever loan grant to a borrower fully backed by leading digital asset by market cap Bitcoin (BTC).

акыркы боюнча билдирүү, a spokesperson from the bank said that Goldman Sachs was interested in the deal because of its structure and 24-hour risk management.

This marks the first time the bank has offered a loan fully backed by a debtor’s Bitcoin stash, meaning that if the price of Bitcoin Белгилүү бир деңгээлден төмөн түшүп кетсе, Goldman Sachs карыз алуучуну көбүрөөк күрөөнү кошууга же учурдагы күрөөлүк BTCди жоюуга мажбурлай алат.

Co-president of crypto investment firm Galaxy Digital Holdings tells Bloomberg that financial institutions lending to companies that provide digital assets as collateral is the “next step” for crypto-related services offered by blue-chip organizations.

Earlier this month, Goldman Sachs жарыялады алар инвестициялоо үчүн кеминде 25 миллион доллары бар жогорку таза кардарларга санариптик активдерге байланыштуу кызматтардын "толук спектрин" сунуштоону пландаштырышкан.

At the time of the announcement, the head of digital assets for the bank’s private wealth management division, Mary Rich, said,

“We are working closely with teams across the firm to explore ways to offer thoughtful and appropriate access to the [crypto] ecosystem for private wealth clients, and that is something we expect to offer in the near term.”

Жакында эле бир окуу by crypto exchange platform Bitstamp that surveyed over 5,500 institutional investors from across the globe found that 88% of them believe that crypto assets will eventually overtake traditional securities.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Rattanamanee Patpong/Konstantin Faraktinov

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