Bitcoin-Integrated Altcoin Spikes After Earning Surprise Support From Coinbase

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Bitcoin-Integrated Altcoin Spikes After Earning Surprise Support From Coinbase

One altcoin that seeks to leverage the power of Bitcoin (BTC) is enjoying bullish price action after getting sudden support from Coinbase, the top crypto exchange in the US.

жаңы жарыяда, Coinbase мындай дейт: үчүн соода кылуу Стектер (STX) will begin on Wednesday, January 19th if liquidity conditions are met.

Stacks is an open-source blockchain linked to Bitcoin by its consensus mechanism which spans the two chains, called Proof of Transfer. Through this architecture, Stacks aims to leverage Bitcoin’s security and enable decentralized applications (dApps) to use Bitcoin’s state, despite being a different blockchain.

According to the Stacks сайты, the project aims to bring a series of novel use cases to Bitcoin traditionally reserved for other blockchains.

“The world is converging on Bitcoin as a standard, and demand for use cases around Bitcoin is increasing. There is hundreds of billions of capital locked into Bitcoin, most of it as a passive store of value. Instead of competing with Bitcoin, Stacks can provide novel use cases for holders of bitcoin, сыяктуу bitcoin-backed loans, bitcoin DeFi or using your bitcoin to trade NFTs.”

Following the announcement of the Coinbase listing, STX jumped nearly 15% from $2.19 to $2.53. STX was already in a rally earlier in the day, at one point trading below $2.00. After recording a 26% gain in a matter of hours, STX has cooled off and is currently changing hands for $2.23 at time of writing.

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  Эскертүү: Daily Hodl гезитинде айтылган ой-пикирлер инвестициялык кеңеш эмес. Инвесторлор тобокелге салынган кандайдыр бир инвестицияларды жасоодон мурун тийиштүү кылдаттык менен иш жүргүзүшү керек Bitcoin, cryptocurrency же санариптик каражаттар. Сураныч, сиздин которууларыңыз жана соодаңыз өзүңүздүн тобокелдигиңизде, ал эми жоготуулардын бардыгы сиздин жоопкерчилигиңизде. Daily Hodl крипто-валюталарды же санариптик активдерди сатып алууну же сатууну сунуш кылбайт, ошондой эле Daily Hodl инвестиция боюнча кеңешчи эмес. Эске салсак, Daily Hodl өнөктөштүк маркетингге катышат.

Өзгөчөлөнгөн сүрөт: Shutterstock / Дмитрий Рыбин

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